Ive had some interesting stuff pass by over the years & not that long a go if someone wanted something theyd let you know, usually by a comment of 'if you decide to sell I want first option' or similar & a few calls & a deal was done Lately Ive held on to a few bits that quite a few have shown interest in but decided now to sell, so put the word out. I dont know if its macho B.S. in front of their mates or what but the 'I'll give you $20 for it HAHAHA' doesnt exactly endear me to deal with these f-wits. Hot rodders seem to have become the new Vintage car club guys that want everything from you for nothing yet brag theyve paid 20k for a half arsed paint job. So on TM it goes then they grizzle about how much Ive let them down. so be it!
Sep 5, 3:57am
I get that alot with the watercooled vw lot, I just cut it up in front of them
Sep 5, 3:58am
I donno what sort of classic car owners you deal with, but I've never come across any that wank on about how much cash they blew on a paint job etc lol
As for hot rodders, donno, never dealt with any as the entire concept doesn't appeal to me.
Sep 5, 4:00am
Funny you should start this thread mate. I was talking to a guy who works in a transmission shop. He said, and these are his words, not mine. He said he absolutely hates dealing with hotrodders. He said they just dont get it. They'll spend mega bucks on a diff or an engine but when it comes to the trans, they'll just chuck in any old thing and expect it to last.
Not saying he's wrong or right, just repeating what he was telling me. He was quite adamant he does all he can to avoid dealing with hotrodders.
Sep 5, 4:07am
can understand that totally
Sep 5, 4:07am
I see a pattern here, we get guys who say they spent a gazzillion on the motor etc but only want to pay $7.50 on a show winning paint job. And the motor useually runs like crap.
Sep 5, 4:14am
one guy wanted a BB tunnel ram I have, offered it out with 2 good carbs & scoop (so complete unit) for what most ppl are charging for a manifold alone & he screwed his nose up because it wasnt polished
Sep 5, 4:16am
Well why waste the money on a decent paint job, with all that engine work the car is gonna go so fast that the paint will just peel off!
Sep 5, 4:28am
the way i see it theres 2 types of hotrodders in the world.Those who love machinery and will put alot of time and effort into restoring someone elses junk, and generally middle aged business men who want a toy to show off.
The first type generally drive nostalgia rods and have no problems with doing a few laps at the local dirt track.While the second type are generally a bunch of wankers who will burst a blood vessel if they get a drop of water on their shiny paint job.
type 1 love cars.type 2 love themselves.
thats enough stereotyping for today.
Sep 5, 6:51pm
Trader, your car looks mighty fine to me.
And as Im a middle age hot rodder who happens to be in business too, Im not sure if I need some or all of the stereotypes thrown at me.
But at at least Idont drive a V8 Commy anymore - that stereotype (fat middle aged bastard in a V8) was a bit close for comfort.
Sep 5, 6:52pm
Trader is that a 1471 on the Hemi! Im figuring you are aiming for something close to the coupe in the movie "Hot Rod"
Sep 5, 6:54pm
Dreamer probly.
Sep 5, 7:04pm
10.71 mate.
Sep 5, 7:22pm
ever since hodrods had tyres to kick. everyone wants a deal, or "knows a guy" how can get them/it cheap. and like you say, they then talk about how much they spent on something else. (being I spent lots so it's automatically good and you should think i'm cool)
Sep 5, 7:41pm
im a rodder, if i want it and the price is right, i will buy it, and if not right, i say thanks very much and walk away. Whats the problem there!
Sep 5, 8:01pm
What I hate is doing the rounds for something urgently need or .not, waiting for a few months/years keeping my eagle eyes out for that bargain . THEN say 'burgerit" . go out either because 'I have to' or because I can't stand waiting any longer, spend retail $$ or more & a few days/ weeks later . THERE IT IS . Cheap or free & it's somebody /some place I know/ have been a lot
Can't win most days. other days I feel like poking my eyes out
Sep 6, 2:41am
Right on.I deal with hotrodders all the time.If they havent got the money they generally come back with it! as for having something that "hotrodders" want.(OP).I hope you dont mean that old bread van with morris fenders on it! And no suprise you only got offered $20 for it.scrap value i recon
Sep 6, 2:48am
No, but in case youre wondering I had 5 offers for it in the first 4 times out on the road & many more since, & starting at the 1K mark. aint it funny how many twits agree $20 is funny
Sep 6, 3:02am
Everyone has a budget rodder or not
Sep 6, 3:17am
Hot rodders were the original tyre kickers, buying nanas old ford and throwing a v8 they found in a wreckers in it. Big cheque booksand no skill killed the hobby. Like music, real hot rods are built with small budgets and big imaginations.
Sep 6, 3:30am
I think it's more a sign of the times than anything whqqsh.A few years ago when gear for the hot rod came up it was word of mouth and a nod would secure the deal.Now with the internet, importing stuff in from the States or Oz, Trademe, Ebay etc makes people less likely to do the deal on the spot until they can go home and check on the computer if they can get it cheaper elsewhere.
Sep 6, 3:58am
yeah, it does show the various extremes of hot rodding too. Some hold on to tradition, some just follow the current trend, others try to do something a bit different (I like to think im in that category) & others (going by a previous poster) think chucking on overpriced brand name accessories is the only way to go.
Sep 6, 4:28am
I have always been of the school of making the parts I could get, to fit by modifying them
Sep 6, 4:55am
yup i know how you feel. I now adpot a policy where i dont do any one any favours at all. ive been burnt too many times. i dont care if people think i'm a **** for not doing them a job for next to nothing just because they consider me a "friend". i even had a guy who owed me work on a car at his shop and eventually i had to go and get it from him and do it myself anyway.AAAARRRRGHHH. I NOW HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE THINGS I HAVE TO DO AROUND THE PLACE and when they want a favour. i say put it on the list and tell my wife that your job is more important than all the other stuff i have to do.
Sep 6, 5:26am
Whats different about ya!
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