Motor mower gurus

gemini11, Sep 9, 4:58pm
4 stroke Talon mower was running fine then would do nothing more than idle just.
Cleaned fuel tank,fuel lines, carby, new plug, and still nothing more than ticking over just .Will not go above idle. Any ideas to try.

therafter1, Sep 9, 5:22pm
Check flywheel woodruff key hasn't partially sheared.

therafter1, Sep 9, 5:23pm
Not a mower guru tho, it is just a common issue with mowers.

mark.52, Sep 9, 5:35pm
Try manually moving the throttle linkage. If the engine responds (don't over-rev it) it's an issue with the governor.

tmenz, Sep 9, 6:56pm
So take it to him and tell him to buy you a new one.

jmma, Sep 9, 7:24pm
Replace throttle cable, they are shit ones fitted, it will feel like its working but infact its just bending.