Clutch Problem.

machinehead, Sep 25, 4:28pm
Yesterday I went to release the clutch pedal on my car and the car only crept forward slowly.

The clutch engages fine and putting it into gear is all working as it should, but it's as though the clutch stays half engaged.

The clutch pedal is definately moving the clutch release fork, but the pedal does feel a bit springier than it used to.

Any ideas!

intrade, Sep 25, 4:33pm
check ifyou got a cable clutch or fluid !

machinehead, Sep 25, 4:37pm
It's a cable activated clutch, not a hydraulic one.

It also has a new pressure plate and clutch.

intrade, Sep 25, 4:39pm
check the cable is not untangled inside the sleve causing drag= cable is about o snap or is stuck inside , happens often . Remedie is newcable to be fitted or old cable repaired with new inner part.

machinehead, Sep 25, 4:43pm
Thanks for the suggestion!

I've only just put the motor back in recently and I had my mechanic sort the finishing touches like routing and attaching the cable.

Similar to what you said.I was wondering if it was routed too close to the exhaust and some molten plastic within the sleeve has hindered the releasing.

skin1235, Sep 25, 4:58pm
if the outer cable is scorched and blistered where it has contacted the exhaust you have definitely found your problem, new cable and route it better

bjmh, Sep 25, 5:35pm
check that you've refitted all earth cables from engine to chassis,if ones off clutch cable can be the earth and it will fry it,

gmphil, Sep 25, 5:37pm
Id say release bearing

frytime, Sep 26, 1:45am
not adjusted properly!

mantagsi, Sep 26, 2:06am
Ah yes, fond memories of that one!

machinehead, Sep 26, 5:07pm
Despite having heard that before, I didn't even think to check!

Although, I had upgraded the major earths and power cables before putting the engine back in. The cable is all intact too. Seemingly.

machinehead, Sep 26, 5:10pm
I'd hate to think it's that!

If it were the release bearing I would definately hear it whining when engaged, right! It has never made any noise and it seemed fine when I was putting the clutch assembly back on.

intrade, Sep 26, 5:19pm
you should have replaced clutch-disk , pressure plate and release bearing plus any seals and spigot bearing. Like the main crank seal behind flywheel and the imput shaft seal of the gearbox . Otherwise you be pulling the boxdown again soonerrather then later if you skipped any of that.

machinehead, Sep 26, 5:36pm
It has a new clutch plate, pressure plate and i've had the engine completely rebuilt about 2,000km ago.

The only thing I haven't checked is the input shaft. Although I specifically used this gearbox as it was my best one and was working fine just before I put it in my new car.

Despite being pretty sure that the problem is something to do with the clutch cable.i'm feeling a bit lost.


intrade, Sep 26, 5:39pm
remove the cable end on gearbox and hold the cable-end in one hand and sleeve in other then have somone push the clutch make sure your fingers dont get squeezed inside the sleeve and have them take the foot off the pedal you should now be able to pull the cable back out of the sleeve if you cant because it is stuck then have somone lift the clutch pedal by hand inside car and try again.
if you still cant then you found your problem the cable is seezed for any of the already posted above reasons. replace repair cable and it be done

machinehead, Sep 26, 5:51pm
I did have a look at the movement of the clutch release arm/fork last night while I had someone intermittently pressing the clutch pedal. It all *seemed* fine. I guess what you suggested would be a lot more definitive in figuring out if the clutch cable is the problem.

I will do that when I get home.

Thanks alot for the suggestion.

elect70, Sep 26, 9:29pm
Slacken the cable fromg box end first & see ifrelease lever hasfree playmay beadjusted up too farwhen old clutch was in it. Did that on my XD coon