I got pulled up today with no wof or reg and the police officer was very nice and said that if I updated the wof and reg within 14 days then I won't have to pay the fines. I noticed that she had missed one of the numbers from my plate, does that make the ticket invalid!
Sep 20, 10:20pm
Just get the wof and rego and you dont need to worry.
Sep 20, 10:23pm
Technically yes the ticket is invalid, but she has been fairer than fair by giving you 14 days.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Sep 20, 10:23pm
Yea I will but I'm pretty sure the ticket is invalid if they mess up the details
Sep 20, 10:26pm
Same thing but speed ticket, wrote letter and got a snarky reply back saying they had changed all the records at their end. Just pay unless you want to blow money on an expensive lawyer.
Sep 20, 10:44pm
Nope, not any more. There will be other records of the event anyway. Unless its grossly wrong ya buggerd. Once upon a 100 years ago you could get away with such thing but no more. You could try wasting days and dollers in court if thats ya thing.
Sep 20, 10:45pm
Who is a lucky boy then!Most of us don't get warnings, so totally agree with #3.We don't get warnings because they know that seniors usually pay their fines, so it is a guaranteed result!
Sep 21, 1:48am
Pity the cop didn't fine you on the spot.
Sep 21, 2:42am
You got a deal - pay the wof/rego. No they won't drop it any more due to administration errors.
Sep 21, 3:32am
Just do the right thing and bring the vehicle upto scratch, he did good giving you a warning rather than a fine.
Sep 21, 4:52am
No its not invalid. Get real.
Sep 21, 2:12pm
I think you should whinge like a little bitch, fail your appeal and become liable for all due fines.
Sep 21, 6:07pm
How come you got 14 days to get reg and warrant! You giving that women cop one or something. Around this area its instant fines and no mercy!
Sep 21, 6:11pm
They don't fine for WOF rego atm in Auckland, to much paper work and they rather you put the money toward fixing your car
Sep 21, 6:37pm
Basically your best bet is to pay the fine. the cop has been "nice to you" by giving 14 days to fix.If you run off to the police and say "ha ha" you made a mistake on the ticket, they will just cancel the ticket and then get the officer in "lay new information" and a "bright & shiny" new / error free ticket will arrive in the mail, and this time it will be an instant fee, no longer mr nice guy with a 14 day fix-it window ! The bottom line you have to get a WOF soon or later, to become legal, It may as well be within 14 days.
Sep 21, 8:24pm
wayne472 you have alot of highway patrol in Greymouth,that cruise up that way we get the same pricks,it comes under Tasman area go from top of the south to kai.You lucky to get 14 day for no WOF and REG !
Sep 22, 4:33am
Agree with everyone, count your blessings and get your car up to scratch!
Sep 22, 8:25pm
I got a speeding ticket in about 1979 while riding a motorcycle. The ticket said the vehicle was a CAR and the registration number of the vehicle on the ticket was for a CARAVAN. I didn't pay and when they rang me up many months later I told them I would not pay it because of the errors.
I heard no more - but about that time I escaped to Australia for 25 years anyway and perhaps their follow up efforts were just lost in the mail.
I do hope they are not looking for me still.
Sep 22, 8:31pm
Haha don't worry people I am not complaining and I am going to update my wof & rego I was just asking a question.
Sep 22, 9:29pm
Technically you are wrong. The ticket is Valid.
Sep 22, 11:25pm
I got 'fined on the spot' in the USA by a cop in 1988, who took $60 off me for speeding and I didn't get a receipt. He kept asking if I was going to contest the ticket and I said no. In hindsight, I was obviously ripped off by a crooked cop, but I was too young and naive to see it at the time.
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