does this sound ok - keen to get cracking buying a car but trying to do most of it online as not keen on the salespeople!
Sep 30, 7:11pm
Avensis is the Cavalier of modern Toyotas. They are rubbish.
Sep 30, 7:21pm
If you aren't keen on the salespeople buy privately.
Spending 20k on a car sight unseen is risky business.
Sep 30, 7:23pm
Sep 30, 7:28pm
i would like to know also keep in mind the poster *1 said a manual not automatic.always good to know facts.
Sep 30, 7:29pm
A quick look in trademe reveals them starting at $17,000 so is dearer.
Sep 30, 7:32pm
To add that I used to think car salespersons were to be avoided but have done some very sharp deals with car salesmen that were more competitive than some of our private dreamers! I say if you do your homework (Which you haven't yet) go talk to some.
Sep 30, 8:53pm
buy a Mazda6 or Honda Accord wagon instead. Avensis just does not stack up against the competition.
Sep 30, 9:00pm
ta, these look good too but none in chch in my price so far.
Oct 1, 12:02am
You're probably better off with an auto - hard to find those type of cars in manual
Oct 1, 1:05am
If they want a manual and manuals are harder to get its 2 good reasons to get a manual. It'll retain its resale better.
Oct 1, 1:13am
Crikey, you could get a VW Passat, Golf or Skoda wagon of similar age/km's for that. In either manual or DSG.
I can't suggest enough that you drive those before buying the Toyota, compare the spec and fuel consumption too.
Oct 1, 1:19am
I've driven the manual versions of them all except an auto mazda, also ford mondeo, volvo xc70 (only available in auto), and subaru outback or legacy, all in the same class. Depends what you want, the avensis, xc70 and mondeo all comfortable, maneuverable, and nice to drive. Avensis goes better on 95, mondeo most economical but expensive to fix. Volvo, well it's European. Very comfortable, Very expensive to fix. Outback is pretty close, but not quite up there with these three in terms of ride, comfort and handling. The honda is very honda-like (i don't like them), the new mazdas are much nicer than they were 10 years ago, closer to the outback now. Note, i'm short (155cm, or 5'1") and hondas aren't that kind to short drivers it seems.
Sorry was having trouble posting, haven't tried driving any of Jazz's suggestions. (Much as i'd like to!)
Oct 1, 1:25am
That's why I like the VW/Skoda product (same company) you get the best of the Volvo and the best of the Japanese offerings in a way.
VW/Skoda parts, service pricing and reliability is great but you get the nicer drive, better features, economy and technology of the European cars.
Oct 1, 1:27am
Unless you go for a diesel Fuel consumption will be similar
Oct 1, 1:32am
Sadly, my dog wouldn't fit in the back of the skoda. :( otherwise might nearly have persuaded Mr Zr to try one.
Oct 1, 1:37am
Skoda does make some fairly large wagons - an Octavia is probably roomier than an Avensis
Oct 1, 1:38am
Dont forget -freighteven Aucks to CHCH is only about $800 so any dealership anywhere in the country is accessable as you dont want to deal with salesmen.but DO budget $150 for a decent Pre purchase inspection OOPS-- us knuckle dragging trolls don't know what we are talking about
Oct 1, 1:42am
The avensis must be a bit like a tardis, lol. It was very very nearly as big as the mondeo and camry. - I was surprised. It my be a toyota feature, our carib has heaps more room in the boot than what it looks like it should have too. Skoda octavia definitely too cosy.
Oct 1, 1:53am
Rubbish Cavalier isn't a toyota.Toyota had no part in it other than the badges.
Oct 1, 2:00am
Would be a good idea to check out the Passat then, the Passat is built on the larger platform (so bigger body) but still has the same great Audi/VW/Skoda running gear. I may have seen a manual Passat in your price range on here too, it had the brilliant 2.0 Diesel which has loads of go and is cheap to run and maintain.
Oct 1, 2:01am
Jane why not ask a local dealer to order one from Japan for you
Oct 1, 2:06am
Avensis is the next worst thing. I'd rather have a DSG Golf.
Oct 1, 2:10am
I don't think its fair to discount the diesel, that's why I said to compare the options.
The Diesel is cheaper to run while still offering similar performance. So that is fair and valid in my opinion.
Then you have other options with the Passat like the 2.0 Turbo which will offer similar real world NZ economy but significantly more power.
Oct 1, 3:51am
lots to take in - have an audi A6 and it costs heaps to service - Previous had an alfa with similar issues. Is VW and skoda ok service price wise!
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