I have a Mazda demio, im pretty sure it has a CVT transmisson.
When is it best to have the CVT serviced, how many kms! Where is a good place in Christchurch that will do this (with the correct oil).
I have rang mazda, ford and toyota to see if they do CVT servicing as I thought it was important to do. No one seem confident about doing it, one placed told me no servicing was nessary!
Sep 30, 7:26pm
No servicing neccesary!
Jesus wept.
Sep 30, 7:30pm
I have found places in the North Island that service CVTs, but nothing is coming up in Christchurch.
Sep 30, 7:35pm
I have just got hold of a automatic servicing place that does CVTs. He said it should be serviced around the 40k, so got a bit to go yet.
If anyone can recommend a place they use for their CVT servicing in Christchurch that would be great, as I will keep note of it.
Suprised how many places were not sure about servicing it.
Sep 30, 7:37pm
better not to be sure then to füç* it up for you.
Sep 30, 10:53pm
Bit hopeful I know but surely the Mazda agents MUST know how to do it or where to have it done.That of course is not to say that they will in practice be able to do it.
Why are people so scared of CVT.There must be factory specs available somewhere and then you simply do whatever you need to do following those specs.
Oct 1, 12:51am
Aceomatics are probably the best AT specialist service centre in CHCH.
However most CVT's aren't servicable, maybe apart from a trans flush or oil change. If any individual parts are required you might find most manufacturers don't list anything apart from an entire transmission.
Oct 1, 1:40am
Yeah Aceomatics was the place I contacted that could do an oil change, he recommended it at about 40,000km.
Is an oil change all that is required with these transmissons! I have never had one before, but read that it needs proper servicing ect.
Oct 1, 2:59am
They have a filter to replace on those mazda's.
Oct 1, 3:54am
What year is your Demio!Most Demios have a normal nonCVT auto.My mother has the latest shape Demio(2009) and it has a normal auto.No harm in getting the transmission fluid changed if it has the normal auto.I see you live in Rangiora,try Autotech in Ivory St,they have a machine for doing auto transmission flushes and fluid changes.
Its a 2007 1500cc. I thought it was auto/tiptronic when I purchased it but from what is on the net it seems its a cvt! The NZ new Madza 2 has a normal auto, but from what I read on the internet it seems the import Mazda demio/2 has the cvt transmisson.
Is there any way of telling if it does has CVT to be sure! or will it be easier to tkae it in to be looked at somewhere!
Oct 1, 4:11pm
my guess would be there are no gear changesyou can feal . Warm it up and floor it a bit to see how it chages gears , probably seemless like 1 gear from start to top gear with a cvt as they are constant volocity transmission. otherwisefind numbers on the gearbox
Oct 1, 4:12pm
It will be cvt, lots of them around.
Oct 1, 4:17pm
I have only had it 3 weeks, and I noticed the drive was different but didnt think much of it. It is smooth, and if I take my foot off the accelerator it slows down quicker that my previous car.
Im not sure where to find numbers on the gear box my self, so I will get my husband to look.
Oct 1, 4:59pm
Aceomatic seem fine, all they will do is an oil change and filter and tell you if its about to go dead.$450.Theres nothing else to do short of a couple o grand rebuilds.
Oct 1, 5:09pm
Not surprised about the dealerships, they don't stock internal trans filters so I wonder if they ever service them at all. Every time I take a vehicle to a trans specialist they tell me it needs thousands spent on it but those vehicles are still going strong, towing etc years later. Just do it myself now. Your normal mechanic should service it for you, just make sure they use correct fluid, supply it from Mazda yourself if you are concerned.
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