Luggage trailer.whats it worth?

petal10, Sep 27, 1:49pm
i have a luggage trailer that is made out of fibreglass. the lid has struts to open it with. it needs a little tlc but would be brilliant when finished.any ideas on how much to list it for!

cuda.340, Sep 27, 3:13pm
post a pic, hard to price if we don't know how bad it looks

cuda.340, Sep 27, 4:29pm
give it a wash n try for 2k!

thunderbolt, Sep 27, 4:38pm
Paint it black and bolt some big chrome handles on the side.
Then pair it with a black harley Trike and sell it as unique hearse.
Instant business!

budgel, Sep 27, 4:48pm
If you want to sell it, at the very least give it a wash!

intrade, Sep 27, 5:38pm
whats the underneath look like! could be all rusty and about to fall apart from that photo cant tell for sure.