Paint peeling

phoneys, Sep 26, 9:47pm
Clear coat is peeling quite bad on my roof and a bit on the boot. What's best to stop it getting any worse! Or should it be fixed right away!


intrade, Sep 26, 11:04pm
probably have to go for a respray . make sure you get a good car painter place to get it done dont mess with it especially not with cheap silicone polish.

brad166, Sep 26, 11:15pm
Give it a water blast with a high pressure water blaster and peel it all off.
Clear on a car is quite over rated and without it you have a lovely matt finish which is what the high end cars are going for these days anyway.

grangies, Sep 27, 2:44am
The matt finish on the high end Bentleys, Lamborghini's etc. Is actually a high quality 2k clear coat with matting additive in the mixture.

grangies, Sep 27, 2:45am
Just seen your profile, so looks like you're being sarcastic LOL.

kazbanz, Sep 27, 2:46am
Either A put up with it or B have it repainted --there really is no alternative

gammelvind, Sep 27, 2:48am
What Kaz said

attitudedesignz, Sep 27, 2:51am
Ever notice how truck drivers or digger operators always seem to be the only ones that, when it comes time to water blast their vehicle they will find a chip and stand there working at it 'til they make a mess of the paint.
The guys that used the super high pressure steam cleaner at Cable Price in Hastings used to have competitions on who could remove the biggest "sheet" of paint haha.