Smart fuel with AA and BP

batman4321, Oct 17, 3:27pm

Heaps of discounts on fuel.

petermcg, Oct 17, 10:46pm
There is a qualifing purchase price atthe participtating retailers, so if that was $100 say,, and you get 8 cents of per litre on $40.00 worth of petrol,, then that is a saving of $1.45 and that is the equivilent of a discount of .0145% on the origonal retailers purchase price of $100,, do the maths not the spelling.

batman4321, Oct 17, 11:00pm
I saved 13 cents per litre today. Saved 8 cents due to Thursday promotion at BP + 5 cents from burger king meal (I am a regular customer).

Total saved was $4 from $68 worth of fuel (30 litres unleaded).

thewomble1, Oct 18, 2:17am
You have to buy $40+ to get the discount.

alimac1, Oct 18, 2:34am
you can go in and buy 2 lots of $40 and accumulate twice as fast. They will only let you do 2 per day at the same place though.

kokako14, Oct 18, 3:15am
Supermarkets must be pleased about this scheme, giving out all those discount vouchers that cant be cashed when you use your smartfuel card

spongefrisk, Oct 18, 3:17am
Anyone take notice of the actual pump price of the petrol you are getting the discount on compared to other retailers!

smac, Oct 18, 2:04pm
I just buy a few lots of $40 then redeem when I fill (discount applies up to 50 litres). Far more worth while that way - $26 off a tank last night.

kcf, Oct 18, 2:22pm
Yes, the before discount price at the BP I use most often is the same price as the Shell over the road, and the Mobil 400 meters away.Then you take 6c / l discount off that, and on the typical Corolla fill up, that's a couple of bucks saved every time.

johnn, Oct 18, 2:56pm
Supermarket vouchers are better & easier, AA doesn't work for me anymore.

mike77, Oct 18, 3:34pm
BP various spots $2.179 / L
Mobil GSR / Mahia Rd $2.029

It's been like that all this week.