Rust repair

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shazza541, Oct 13, 4:54pm
if you have a rusted out floor panel and swap it with a replacement floor from another vehicle, does it have to be certified! i'm talking the whole floor not just a corner or small section

grangies, Oct 13, 5:01pm
No you wont need it to be certified.

But if it has been failed at WOF due to the rust, then make sure you have photographic evidence (for the WOF inspector to view) of all the welds before undersealing, sound deadening etc etc.

grangies, Oct 13, 5:02pm
Also what model vehicle need to be done!

shazza541, Oct 13, 5:03pm
early 80s mitsi ute

grangies, Oct 13, 5:07pm
Oh OK. Is the rest of the body shell all good!

Because on a basic old ute like that, it can work out easier to change over the entire cab with the donor vehicle that the floor is coming from.

intrade, Oct 13, 5:11pm
if the floor is rusted out you have to ask why , usually its because water has entered from above between guard and firewall soaking the carpet rotting the whole floor out from inside.

grangies, Oct 13, 5:13pm
As well as being an early 80s' Mitsi ute.

lookoutas, Oct 13, 7:57pm
There was only one question, and the answer to that is "no"

chebry, Oct 14, 2:15am
You will require a structural cert for any welding repairs or get a licensed panel beater to do it

lookoutas, Oct 14, 2:56am
Sorry - I never thought of it that way, Hence the answer should be "Depends on who does it"

snoopy221, Oct 14, 3:04am
Well when ya start talkin boot replacing an ENTIRE floor panel in a monococque chassis i really think-ya want another cab.
!She's a BIG job MATE!

sandypheet, Oct 14, 3:27am
There is no need for any certification (who requires it!), but a competent person should do the repair.

intrade, Oct 14, 3:29am
exactly i welded noumerous cars up even some with green stickers for only vtnzwofs .never had i have to produce a cert they want to see how its welded befor its covered over however as it got to be to a standard .

chebry, Oct 14, 3:37am
Yeah Right Your blobby birdshit is why they changed the rules a few years ago if you knew anything at all youd know that.

snoopy221, Oct 14, 3:40am
She'd be a hard day if the warrant inspector that failed couldn't get to see it and pass it-and had to accept the signed piece of paper by someone qualified to accept ALL Liability in event of failure-INCLUDING Consequential damage.
never had i have to produce a cert they want to see how its welded befor its covered over however as it got to be to a standard .


sandypheet, Oct 14, 3:49am
The only time certification is required is when a vehicle is coming into compliance for the first time or being reregistered and such repairs have been carried out beforehand.

chebry, Oct 14, 4:17am
Or when it has failed on rust the repairs must be carried out by someone qualified or inspected by a structural engineer to ensure its done properly in accordance with the vehicles build specs this is why body repair is a trade as is welding some of you fullas are like intrade full of it with limited knowledge

chebry, Oct 14, 4:23am
You most certainly have mister can of gloop diesel specialist youve posted lies all over these boards and some of these poor sods believe you people come here for advice they can use not thehalf arsed notions you have. Now back under your rock

cowlover, Oct 14, 6:20am
OP did not say this was a wof fail.Just asked if he can cut and replace the entire floor.I'd say if its done properly nobody is ever going to even look at it.I think the bigger problem would be finding a donor floor.I've never seen a 80's L200 without rusty patched up floor, sills, pillars, doors firewall, inner guards etc.We owned one omce that had a 30mm skim of bog on theroof!

cowlover, Oct 14, 6:22am
You ok snoops!Ya post makes sense!I'm sriously worried about you.LOL

snoopy221, Oct 14, 6:46am
Meh been doin scuttle panels and every other damn piece of lyk cut ya way in weld ya way out rust lately.
Meh donna wanna swap me mig for a spot.LOL
(About blardy tyme someone realised HOW big that jobbie is)

chebry, Oct 14, 1:36pm
Its a big job alright but its not a monocoque its a cab floor for a ute

supernova2, Oct 14, 5:31pm
Thats just playing with words.The floor panel is the attachment mounting point to the chassis so therefore a structural componet.It also contains the seat mountings and the seatbelt mountings which are also structural items.
To do the job proper you have to unstich all the sills, pillars, firewall, rear panel.That means you need bracing and etc and etc and etc.

I'm thinking its a cab off job as otherwise whats going to hold it in place once the floors gone!
Its more than a big job its damn near impossibleand totally pointless as the cost of doing the repair is probably 100 times the value of the ute.

Without seeing the mess is it more probable to just do some cut and patch work!

chebry, Oct 14, 5:36pm
Cetainly its not worth doing but that doesnt stop some people and as a structural part it has to be inspected

splinter67, Oct 14, 7:34pm
So johnf_456 whats the answer ! at least you will know