Yellow number plate?

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74nova, Oct 20, 12:04am
That number plate is really dodgy ! What nationality is he!

madeley, Oct 20, 12:35am
I think sounded Asian; why!Naughty, naughty people; have sent an email to LTSA but won't be seen till Tuesday and by then some unsuspecting person has probably bought it.

madeley, Oct 20, 12:37am
They probably did get rid of him; but temporarily till he resurrected with a new TMe name!I notice they are newish trader.

carstauranga001, Oct 20, 2:36am
I have compained to TM about this trader. Lets see what they do.

tgray, Oct 20, 6:06pm
On his 18 year old civic with over a quarter of a million K's for $1895, he says'mechanical warranty for peace of mind.'
Wow, I wonder what that covers!

supernova2, Oct 20, 8:03pm
Was going to suggest "the key breaking" but in a Civic that old probably not even that.