Yellow number plate?

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madeley, Oct 19, 5:47pm
Am going to look at a car today but photo shows it has a yellow number plate!Any idea why!

carstauranga001, Oct 19, 5:58pm
Dealer plate

madeley, Oct 19, 6:00pm
Really!Hi is not declaring he is a dealer.Does this explain why when I put the plate number into "car jam" it is not recognised!

lookoutas, Oct 19, 6:00pm
Could be really old.

Don't know WTF happened there, first post said "Could be lold"
Put a picture up. Could be from the 60's, Aussie, Pom!

snoopy221, Oct 19, 6:05pm
Yellow dealer plate stars with letter X.

madeley, Oct 19, 6:11pm
How do I put pic up!Licence plate is yellow and is:8587X.

carstauranga001, Oct 19, 7:22pm
Definately a dealer plate. Some other assosiated industries can have them to so as to drive unregistered cars. For example mechanics, car painters etc. He should be RMVT or the seller could be using pic's from when they purchased the car. Ask if they are a dealer and if the car is registered. Are "on road costs" additional!

carstauranga001, Oct 19, 7:23pm
What is the action number!

kazbanz, Oct 19, 7:47pm
OP -theres no question this is a dealer but mehh so what --Unless they are disposing of mechanically dubeous cars.
Regarding mechanical inspection In their defence i can't get any AA or CIS or even a VTNZ PP inspection before tuesday simply becaause they are closed for the long weekend. Im bettin its a CVT civic with shuddery drive

madeley, Oct 19, 7:57pm
You are missing the point.HE is private; he is selling on behalf of his friend.I HAVE a mechanic that can come out over the weekend.He was all welcome for me coming to look at it UNTIL I mentioned my mechanic coming and now he is unavailable till Tuesday.

gilco2, Oct 19, 8:07pm
If he was all keen until you mentioned a mechanic looking, then simple. Walk Away.Look elsewhere

kazbanz, Oct 19, 8:11pm
No he is NOT a private seller by the simplest definition of a dealer -ie he is selling more than 6 cars.-check all his listings.
Hey look Im not wanting an arguement here.He has already got you worried and peoples ESP is rarely wrong :-) I thought maybee you were wanting CIS etc to do an inspection.Alarm bells have to ring pretty loud when they are trying to avoid a mechanical inspection
Mehhhh theres PLENTY of other similar cars out there for sale for the same kind of money-WITHOUT the hassles you are having.

kazbanz, Oct 19, 8:11pm
Hey look Im not wanting an arguement here (ive been in the trade a fair few years so I can say clearly -no he is NOT a private seller by the simplest definition of a dealer -ie he is selling more than 6 cars.-check all his listings.
.He has already got you worried and peoples ESP is rarely wrong :-) I thought maybee you were wanting CIS etc to do an inspection.Alarm bells have to ring pretty loud when they are trying to avoid a mechanical inspection
Mehhhh theres PLENTY of other similar cars out there for sale for the same kind of money-WITHOUT the hassles you are having.
On a side note-the cambelt will be due for replacement in 12 months or less so budget the $600 or so for that if concidering this car

treachug, Oct 19, 8:25pm
And maybe trying to beat the sytem with dealer plates.have a close look at the dealer plate in picture # 10. Must be a special plate with new design number '12 font.or is it more like altered '10 plate! Big fines for that.
And 3 cellphone numbers across his listings to juggle calls on - must be a busy car

carstauranga001, Oct 19, 8:39pm
Good point about altered plate. This guy is a dealer, and unfortunately a lyer. Your gut is right, run from this deal.

madeley, Oct 19, 10:01pm
He told me he is private and selling on behalf o his friend.He would not answer directly if his "friend" was a dealer.In photos on other auctions it is a yard yet that yard is not open over the long weekend as he has "work"ODD ODD ODD.I don't know the system and I'm a woman on my own; hence why I would never by without a mechanic etc.My mechanic has left a message with him to call him wiht a suitable time to inspect when suitable; no answer to it.He texts back from a different number.NO I am definitly walking away; shame as this was within my budget and hard to find a Toyota or Honda in my budget with under 100kms or thereabouts, and 2002-2005.Might try car markets tomorrow:(thanks for help.

tgray, Oct 19, 10:16pm
That was once a 2010 plate!

lookoutas, Oct 19, 10:23pm
Good spotting Grasshopper - zoom in and that looks like a 2010 plate made to look like a 2012 from a distance.

madeley, Oct 19, 10:24pm
What does that mean!Is it illegal to use the 2010 plates or something!

snoopy221, Oct 19, 10:29pm
Perfectly legal in 2010 to have your own (D)ealer plate-[They used to be (D) plates-now they are X plates]
And that **starry one** is probably a 2010 plate made to look like a 2012 plate.
Dodgy as-.[dodgiest thing seen on T Mfor a while-you did well asking here-and have been well advised to steer clear.]

snoopy221, Oct 19, 10:29pm
+1 for a non dodgy dealer in west auckland.

noswalg, Oct 19, 10:39pm
If you look at the WOF sticker in pic 4 it looks like the plate number says 600981 which is a bit strange.

kazbanz, Oct 19, 10:47pm
nope-thatll be the last 6 numbers of the VIN number.--remember it isn't rego'd
Maybee Im being cynical but isn't this trader EXACTLY what TM claim to be trying to get rid of!
-watch this sort of BS get MUCH worse once the new law gets passed

tgray, Oct 19, 10:59pm
For a genuine motor vehicle dealer, the cost of a dealer plate for a year is nothing in the scheme of things. To go to the trouble of 'altering' a plate to circumvent the system to save a few bucks is quite frankly, ridiculous.

fordkiwi27, Oct 19, 11:06pm