A question for anyone that might know. Can I just buy a bulb and do it myself! Or do I take it in to a mechanic and have them do it! Thanks for any advise.
Oct 20, 10:52pm
Can you do general maintenance on your own car .! Hmmm that's a tough one No, you do not need to be a qualified mechanic to replace a bulb. Just like you don't need to be a qualified electrician to replace a bulb in your house
Oct 20, 11:00pm
The very fact you are asking the question suggests maybee you are best to get someone else to do the job. In theory its pretty easy-Undoo two screws and pop the rim out then change the bulb-but with older cars things can be corroded and need a deft touch
Oct 20, 11:20pm
Or remove them
Oct 20, 11:38pm
If it doesn't have fog lights, it can't fail on them :)
Oct 20, 11:40pm
I unplugged mine and have managed to get through WOFs for the past 2 years. They always mention it, but pass it anyway. I think it is a bit of an odd rule. They don't pass you if they're not working, but they're not a necessity.
Yes, you can replace the bulb yourself.
Oct 20, 11:48pm
is there any law saying you need to have 2 fog lights rather than 1!
because as it is you have 1 fog light and 1 bumber decoration.after all a light is only a light if it makes light
Oct 21, 12:04am
If it is fitted it has to work. And if there is switches/buttons/headlights wired up for fog lights they have to be fitted and working.
Oct 21, 12:06am
If the tyres are getting a bit worn can you just take them off for a wof!
Oct 21, 12:40am
Anyone who would fail a vehicle for not having foglamps must be a moron. I'd personally like to see them all disabled so nimrods can't drive around with them on and blind me when the conditions are clear. Take them off.
Oct 21, 12:54am
On a similar topic, some 4x4shave 2 sets of rear lamp clusters ,one of them invariably dosen't appear to work .How do they get away with that !
Oct 21, 1:17am
The ones up on the rear quarters are purely cosmetic in some cases, probably designated as reflectors.
Oct 21, 1:29am
i know nz new 95 series prados were one of these. only the bottom set on the bumper does anything, yet the import ones just have reflectors rather than whole clusters at the bottom and the top set works
Oct 21, 2:41am
Thanks for the advice. I did fail the WOF at the VTNZ for it failing to operate, I am just happy that was all it was for. I will change it myself, just wanted to make sure I was allowed to.
Oct 21, 3:22am
just don't touch the glass of the bulb with ya fingers, it will cause the bulb to blow. if you do by accident wipe it wipe meths on a paper towel.
Oct 21, 4:27am
The only thing you can't do on your car is structural repairs, and yet anyone can work on the brakes.
Oct 21, 1:14pm
This, and it is scary to think of some that come on here asking the questions they do are allowed to work on brakes, replace steering components etc etc.
It's not like I can just wire up a heated towel rail in my house so why can pimply faced dope smoking Bob allowed to conduct repairs on the most important systems that over populate some of our roads!
Oct 21, 5:40pm
Exactly. We don't have real fog in NZ anyway.
Oct 21, 6:21pm
Guess you dont live in the Waikato then!
Oct 21, 6:45pm
As far as I'm concerned improper operation of rear fog lights should be an instant loss of license.
Oct 21, 9:31pm
v8power, if you are replacing your heated towel rail and your the homeowner then yes you can change it yourself.
Oct 21, 10:16pm
Bollox! If the lights are there they must work and be compliant, if they dont work, they must be made to work or be removed. Front permitted lights must work, rear permitted lights dont have to, thats the odd rule!
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