Nissan elgrand. Driving along and the van just stopped the engine just turned off the lights were still working i had to tow it
Oct 20, 11:46pm
Driving along and the van just stopped. The engine just turned off the lights were still working i had to tow it home. I changed to fuel filter but it is still not starting any ideas on what could be wrong. I checked all fuses but all is fine
Oct 21, 12:18am
what engine!
Oct 22, 8:33pm
qd32 diesel turbo
Oct 22, 8:36pm
Have you checked the useby date!
Oct 23, 12:15am
you ran out of fuel lol
Oct 23, 12:21am
Do you use a dieselfuel additive!
Oct 23, 12:39am
you crack the injector nuts and crank it over you should get fuel there if not then you either got a fuel-shut silanoid that has no power or the silanoid it self is faulty, you can just remove the plunger and then it wont stop unless you stall it not possibile on a automatic so you would have to undo all injector nuts while it runs to stop it . If it still dont gets fuel on injectior with all nuts loseand no shutof plunger on pump then you probably have a seezed injector pump as even with air in the system you will get diesel there unless the (ip) is broken.
Oct 23, 12:50am
Oh no! Not this again!
Oct 23, 3:40am
It's times like this you wish you'd joined the AA.
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