SPEED LIMIT. When for my learners to ride a motorbike was told that leaners can do 100 kms from 1 of october

ice481, Nov 6, 12:28am
When for my learners to ride a motorbike was told that leaners can do 100 kms from 1 of october.

poppajn, Nov 6, 12:59am
Saw that in the paper.

sw20, Nov 6, 1:05am
Wow some common sense from the NZTA maybe!

70km/h on the open road is just dangerous, especially for learners.

bitsy_boffin, Nov 6, 1:11am
Yes that is correct.Came into effect 1st of October (ie, last month).

Motorbikes can also now use bus priority signals when in bus lanes so that we don't hold up buses.

jono2912, Nov 6, 9:27am
What does that mean! :P We don't have bus lanes here, soo. xD

fryan1962, Nov 6, 4:53pm
if you do not have bus lane you can use foot path

bitsy_boffin, Nov 6, 5:02pm
Motorcycles are permitted to use Bus Lanes (unless there is a sign specifically excluding them), this has always been the case.

Before the first of October however, if a motorbike was in the bus lane at a set of lights and the B signal came on, they were not permitted to move even though it held up the bus behind them.

On the 1st of October this changed and now Motorcycles when in the bus lane can go on the B signal.

fryan1962, Nov 6, 5:33pm
so just for the one day!

dinosaw88, Nov 6, 5:38pm
Whats the speed limit for people on motorbikes who havnt got their bike license yet!

net_oz, Feb 5, 10:56am
No limit mate.