yep, over $1700 for a full oil and filter change on the old ford tractor, 4 filters, 65 litres in the g'box and 14 litres in the engine ( the $1700 may have included a couple of fuel filters as well - I don't have the account here at present) , engine gets done every 500 hrs, box gets a change every 1000, and guess how long it takes to run up a 1000 hrs when you're doing in excess of 15 per day, every day you can get into the paddocks, 7G in services consumables last 12 mths ( oils and filters basically) don't even think about what it would have cost to get a service agent out to add his labour rates to it
Nov 4, 4:41am
was a fleet mech many years ago, dairy company, lots of trucks and in those days 13hp singles to pump milk too, all engines that could be fitted with bypass filtering systems had them fitted ( cummins and Perkins mainly), the bypass filters were all double toilet roll cannisters amazing the amount of crap they could pull out, some would require digging the crud out of the bottom and sides of the toilet roll cannister with a screwdriver at their scheduled changes and quite surprising the results of the then monthly lab test results on engine oils, the engines with the toilet roll filtering systems were well capable of doing way more than twice what engines without such systems were deemed safe to keep running engine failures were always on the engines without the bypass filtering
Nov 4, 3:36pm
Have heard that a lot of the big USA road rigs have a centrifuge permanently connected to the engine & they do around 3 or 4 times the recommended factory mileage oil change times before doing a proper oil change. But in between, they add the oil companys additives at the normal change times instead of doing a full oil change.
Nov 4, 11:52pm
i think i will have to send terry round to see mr cat.
Nov 5, 12:09am
Oil isn't a big price item, just use new oil. It's a pity you had the mix up though, never mind these things happen. But as others have said it can be done, but the messy trouble of doing it almost nullifies actually doing it at all. Use it in your lawn mower it will be OK for that probably better than some of the crap oil in mowers anyway as lots of lawn mowers oil only gets changed when they actually run low or when owners think about it which is rarely in lots of cases.
Nov 5, 12:12am
I gave up on oil years ago. I just chuck in water intstead. Way cheaper!
Nov 5, 1:48am
Bottled or Tap and would Poweraid do as labelled, hmmmmmm!
Nov 5, 3:09am
all joking aside jason, it works, a little noisier, and you need to top up a little more often cos it tends to stream out - punched a hole in the oil filter way out the back of the gulley ( short manuka stick up between the under pan and the front axle) and only became aware of it when the oil light came on in the 'lux, plugged the hole with a small stick and filled the sump with water, drove back home, total about 42km, the first 12 in low ratio and hard work, had to top up a few times from troughs and drains on the way home drained the sump overnight, refilled next day with oil and a new filter, drained it again a couple of days later, nuther new filter, no damage done
Nov 5, 8:51pm
Oh dear
Nov 6, 12:47am
And the cost of a new oil pack is say $45.00 for a good 5l pack to go into your car motor worth ! go figure, .use the mixed up oil in your lawn mower or as bar lube on chain saw
Nov 6, 3:51pm
Where I live it's $84.95 or $51.25 for FOUR litres.
Nov 6, 4:00pm
Crikey, do they have oil flown to the island one pack at a time using a Lear Jet !
The general rules with important fluids such as motor oils etc is if it is contaminated in any way -biff it . if the container markings etc have disappeared and you are no longer certain what the container holds -biff it.
At those prices wouldn't it make sense when you venture across to the mainland to grab a pack or two of your favourite fluids at Repco, Supercheap, the Warewhare or where ever and keep a spare pack or two in the garage
Nov 6, 4:05pm
Yup oil is cheap insurance its like blood of a car, would you like a dr putting crap blood in ya.
Nov 6, 4:27pm
Can't get to those places without a car and too expensive to take a car over by car ferry.
Nov 6, 4:52pm
The joys of living on an island !
Nov 6, 9:52pm
Nov 6, 9:55pm
i havn't read the thread entirely - but throw it out and get new oil
Feb 6, 9:11am
Is this for real,, car has a filter on the engine, should be replaced after a set period of time or klms according to manufactures instruction . Do another couple thousand klms and change the oil instead of being scooge McDuck.
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