1997 version with a burnt exhaust valve. Anyone had any experience with this problem! Also what would be a reasonable cost to get it fixed!
Oct 30, 3:51am
Im going to take a wild stab here and say 1200 bucks. lol
Oct 30, 4:22am
I'm going to take a wild guess, and suggest that would be very optimistic - the OP said "get it fixed" - not "cost to fix it myself, on a good day, with the wind behind me, and probably not doing a lot of stuff that you should if you had the thing in pieces".
Oct 30, 5:23am
How do you know it has a burnt exhaust valve!
Oct 30, 10:17pm
Had a leak-down test. Was caused by a lifter sticking and stopping the valve closing properly. Other option is another motor but this one, valve aside, is in top nick. Owner is not mechanically knowledgable.
Oct 30, 11:02pm
I would suggest you could get the head replaced with a second hand one for a lot less than $1200.00
Oct 31, 1:36pm
ive got a set of sr20ve valves lying around from my engine build
Nov 1, 12:43am
sounds odd, I think the problem stems further than just a burnt valve. Have you done anything to rectify the cause! Has this engine been subject to traditional NZ maintenance techniques, i.e. no maintenance at all!
If that is the case and it looks like crap inside it then maybe its best (and cheaper in the long run) just to drop another engine in it, otherwise you could be chasing issue after issue as a buggered engine slowly tries to die.
Those SR20VE engines are damn near bulletproof and its genuinely surprising to hear one with issues.
Nov 1, 3:10am
You can buy a complete motor for less than $700
It takes alot of abuse to burn a valve in one of these motors I would probably forget about it and get another one.I bet the valve train has that greasy build up or worse if you look in the oil cap.These motors dont just shit themselves for no reason they are very reliable if the oil is changed.
Nov 2, 1:21am
Certainly NOT gummed up. It's as clean as inside. However it gained a sticky lifter not long ago so that may be what caused it. Comps on 1,2,4 are 180. 3 is 70. And the cams are like new. Has done 100,000km, since imported, by 1 easy going driver who looks after it. No abuse. Serviced @10k intervals with good oils. The CVT crapped thanks to the dealer putting ATF in it but that is well behind him.
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