you had me worried for a moment.I thought you were after my licence
Oct 30, 10:36am
its not just driving either mate, the old coots can hold down 2 jobs, can organise a pissup in brewery in a heartbeat, and be on time for work the next day, which they never leave so making room for all the younger ones looking for jobs, they hog the housing - they never move on and let someone else rent the houses they have their coin ready at the checkout and can fill up at the servo in less than 4 phone calls and a twenty minute chat to all their mates driving through then they turn the lights off at 10pm and go to bed - hows the power co's supposed to make money with that sort of geriatric behavior abundant worst part is that most of them can count, and are not often wrong - about anything
Oct 30, 8:24pm
Yay for the oldies!
Oct 30, 8:46pm
I'm an oldie - ex professional driver -and 6 months back I updated my vehicle. First trip to Whangarei, coming home through Tangiteroria, (Pub, Shed, Church, 2 houses, a School and have never seen a pedestrian) the cameraman snapped me. 75 in a 70 zone. Fine of $30, I felt like a criminal, but I think I've got over it.
Oct 30, 9:24pm
#7- Treat it as a badge of honour.
Oct 30, 9:25pm
Just a hoon from way back (o:
Oct 30, 9:48pm
Bloke down the road91drives a mitsi FTOlikehislast days, stillworks at his trade .
Oct 31, 3:44am
i sincerely hope that 91yo gentleman is still around when he reaches 100yrs old as that would truely be a mile stone, and i'd say "Go-for-gold sir!"
Oct 31, 1:43pm
The olds can also distinguish the front of a cap from the back.And wear it correctly.Unlike the dorks who wear theirs the wrong way and thus signalling that their low IQ makes them a dangerous driver.
Oct 31, 9:22pm
Some of those elderly drivers are severely medicated, I have followed a few Willy Weavers over the years who judging by the white hat in the back window ledge are returning home from the bowls.
Oct 31, 10:18pm
^^^ more likely had a fewafter thematch .
Nov 1, 2:24am
Forgive me, for I have sinned. First ticket after 51 years driving, $30 for doing 90kph on a space saver. Even the excuse of not wanting to hold up traffic by doing 80kph didn't wash
Nov 1, 3:51am
Been playing bowls for over 35 years and have never put my hat on the back window ledge once. Come to think about it, haven't seen many bowlers hats in that position. I think this could be an urban myth! Have you seen any bowlers on Police 10/7!. I rest my case.
Nov 1, 3:58am
Did it not occur to you that they are just trying to protect the back of there neck from the suns harsh rays!.or not. You don't see many of those older types wearing a hoody (hood up) while driving either. That should be a fine for dangerous driving in itself. Tried it once to see just what ya cant see. dangerous stuff.
Nov 1, 2:03pm
Ah. but, you see, we oldies have discovered where to buy caps that have the peak at the front. Took a while though!
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