We haven't bothered with number plate frames this year as I think its a big ol waste of money and largely ignored. What do you guys think. Plate frames-worth putting on or not!
Nov 7, 1:33pm
Maybe if they are plain.
Nov 7, 1:36pm
Bloody things rattle and fall off why bother
Nov 7, 1:40pm
lol i think the whole point would be to put adds on the frame sold with the car. saxman99. I think they probably do work but only for subcontious mind , like any advertising work. You say tv ads dont work. well they do or do you think they be doing them otherwise. They influence your desition if you want or not. Even some words on supermarket glass doors. They done a test. 10 people had to go buy shopping with a list . 8 purchased exactly what the sopermarket wanted sold With words like love i recall on the windscreen entrence they where disguised advartising but worked.
Nov 7, 1:43pm
now the question is if the advertising on your frames work , you probably think not and you could be correct as it seems some trick with special wordsmaybe2 harts on each side on the frame . people would say how stupid , but hey the advertising just done its job if everyone seen that it was stupide in there mind . I am no advertising expert but i could think with the right frames it could work also
Nov 7, 1:45pm
I think they would be worth it. Less likely to be removed than a sticker, longer lasting & more permanent. I read them at the lights & quiet often think "Oh, I bought a car from them too" or, "Is that prick still going". Keep the message short & I'd say money well spent.
Nov 7, 1:47pm
Car dealers are the only sector that has the unique opportunity to tag peoples number plates with their business name, lots of companies would like that opportunity but can't possibly be in a position to stick them on on masse. Great brand exposure and the franchises use them the used car dealers are only as good as their last deal and if they don't want to put their name to something then they usually don't use frames.
Nov 7, 1:49pm
out of interrest! who sells these frames is there more then 1 supplyer! and can you choose different designs ! andwhat is the cost!
Nov 7, 1:50pm
Jazz print would be the cheapest for screen printed qty 250 or more around a $1 buck something each, I don't know, Reaction print do them as well and a place in ChCh.
Nov 7, 2:19pm
Stencils and can of spraypaint. Red frames add extra 50kw of power and extra 50kmph to your clock
Nov 7, 3:31pm
If we buy off a dealer and they have plate surrounds on, we take them straight off. Or currently we have blacked out the dealership and just left the brand logo.
Nov 7, 3:39pm
if it was an obtrusive number plate frame it would just get pulled off and thrown in the bin. On one of my cars I still have the dealership plate surrounds but they are specific to the car (marking the 75th anniversary of Mitsubishi) and other than the dealership name doesn't have any other advertising material like a phone number or address.
The other thing worth considering is, would number plate surrounds fit on some Jap imports! I know you would have to bend or trim the edges of number plates to fit on Jap specific market vehicles only.
Nov 7, 4:41pm
No. Any advertising gets removed other than the stock logos off our fleet of cars. If some want free advertising then pay me for it.
Nov 7, 5:22pm
Wouldn't be free then, would it! LOL.
Nov 7, 5:29pm
Nov 7, 5:44pm
Here's my view as a dealer, so not all will agree I'm sure. Just put basic black frames on with white writting. Coloured ones more likely to offend and get removed. Whilst a few of my clients remove them the majority by far are left on. Great advertising for $2.50 per car and people do notice as I get told that there are a lot of my cars on the road by customers. I also think that cars without them look like they have come from some wholesaler or cheapie yard that is tight as, therefore what else are they shortcuttig! $2.50 for gods sake! Markit Graphics Ch-Ch has always offered me the best deal Kaz.
Nov 7, 9:13pm
Only if the dealer is paying for theadvertisingon them .
Nov 7, 9:13pm
Only if the dealer is paying for theadvertisingon them .Same withrear windowstickers" bought fromhonestjoecare sales "
Nov 7, 9:29pm
I use to print these. I think they work. I still look at them and remove them. I wouldnt bother tho unless they are super cheap to do. Jazz print bought the rights off my old company to print them
Nov 7, 9:40pm
No offense Kaz but if you sold more "unique" cars then yes as being unusual people might wonder where it came from. Who's going to wonder where an eveyday car came from! Not many, if any.
Nov 7, 10:15pm
Most New Zealanders run their cars into the ground. Do you really want your name on it!
Nov 7, 10:29pm
I agree.We have just bought two cars this week and have quickly taken the plate frames with the dealers details off and replaced with plain silver ones. We don't need to advertise car dealers for them.They look so tacky. There is not much to choose from in the way of plate surrounds either. Repco and Super Cheap auto sell them and for a small amount of plastic they range from $20 ish to nearly $30 a pair.
Nov 7, 10:37pm
I just painted the ones that came on the last car, plain back. Saved buying some. I don't mind them that much, but please kaz, keep it to that instead of plastering a 4x4 with happy faces, your website, logo, number plate surrounds, tyre covers, and everything else.
Yes some people leave all that rubbish on!
Nov 7, 11:17pm
i always rip them off my cars. no free advertising from me
Nov 7, 11:38pm
No.I don't see any reason why my car should be a free advertising board for the dealer.He got my hard earned money.that should be enough for him.
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