Car painters. Notmotoring but i have 3 year oldzipmicrowave oven amp interiorcoatingpowder coatis peelingoffamp steel is rusting
Nov 7, 9:22pm
notmotoring, but I have 3 year oldZipmicrowave oven & interiorcoating(powder coat!)is peelingoff& steel is rusting.What could Ipaint or coat it with thatwill standup tom wave &be safe for food . !
Nov 7, 9:33pm
I havea 21 year old Panasonic "the Genius" that's still going perfectly. 3 years for that coating is pathetic ;-(
Nov 7, 9:36pm
Maybe, buy a new microwave instead of respraying. they dont make electronics like they used to.
Nov 8, 12:36am
Probably the effort in repainting would cost as much if not more than a new one, they are cheap enough these days.
Nov 8, 9:40pm
Use metalic paint with aliminium flakes.
Nov 8, 9:47pm
Bin it!
Nov 8, 11:41pm
Get a new one, they cheap as. The new one will have more features as well.
Nov 9, 2:42am
Take it back and say it is not acceptable, or fit for purpose
Nov 9, 12:41pm
That would be fun, just make sure you use it outside with a really long cord
Nov 9, 1:39pm
Every cooker needs a good set of flames
Nov 9, 2:13pm
True but problem is what is the expected life.I'm sure I read somewhere that fridges are only expected to last 5 years now - so a microwave maybe 5 weeks!.
Nov 9, 6:04pm
Do the lights in your house dim when you use it!
Nov 9, 8:31pm
Fecked if im buying newappliances every 3 years just because ofbit of rustwaste of timegoing back to dealer ( Briscoes ). Ihave sanded it&treated the rust . I know there is a non toxic paint,used it on whitecolorsteelcoolroom interiorsfor touch upson scratches & was approved for direct contactwithfoodbut cant remember the name .Zip used to makegood appliancesstill gotazip30 year old electricfrypanworks perfectly &old m wave was a national"computer cooker "ss interiorabout same vintage ,nowzip isjust chinese madejunk .
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