Ford Fairmont - Automatic Transmission issues

bigguysgear, Nov 11, 5:18pm
This is really strange, but i took my car to get repaired on Friday, as the alternator was not working properly. The company changed and replaced a few things including the harmonic balancer pulley. Now the alternator works perfect, but the transmission is not engaging properly. If i reverse out of my driveway, and the put into Drive, it will not engage into Drive until i give it a little bit of a rev, and then it will sort of clunk into Drive. It also does it sometimes when going around corners or stopping at intersections. It definitely happened at the mechanics but i cant figure out what they have done. I am taking it back tomorrow, but would like to know a little about what the issue may be, so a/ i dont get duped and b/ i dont accuse anyone of the wrong thing, despite it not happening prior, and then happening straight after the mechanic visit. Thanks, if anyone can help.

jmma, Nov 11, 5:28pm
Check auto oil level, if they replaced pulley, they would have had radiator out and may have lost fluid out of cooler. Then forgot to top it up.
Check in park with engine going (o:

kingfisher21, Nov 11, 5:30pm
What model Fairmont!

stevexc, Nov 11, 5:57pm
It might just be the ECU or TCU relearning after being reset.I reset my EB2 V8 and it was a bit harsh for a short time.

bigguysgear, Nov 11, 5:59pm
Thanks for your help, and i am glad i checked, but the fluid in the trans is very low.I personally cant see how it could have lost oil for work at the front of the motor, but it seems like too big a coincidence otherwise. Does the radiator (or something near it) have trans fluid going thru it!

jmma, Nov 11, 6:01pm
Yes, you will see 2 pipes, they run from trans to a cooler in the radiator, some also have separate coolers on the front of the radiator.
Top it up and see how it goes. (o:

chebry, Nov 11, 8:35pm
Low fluid level in trans will do that and flare on upshifts and corners Top it up and it will probably be ok

pnp, Nov 11, 8:50pm
Could also be air bubbles in the lines of the trans cooler. Had a similar prob on my honda after some work where they removed the radiator & had to disconnect the trans cooler pipes. It only disappeared after fre "agressive-ish" take offs.

unbeatabull, Nov 11, 10:22pm
As others all said. Trans cooler built into the radiator. They would of lost roughly 1L of fluid at least if they removed the radiator.