Engine Mount replacement/repair cost?

somersetting, Nov 12, 7:54pm
Before I go ringing around some mechanics, can anyone give me an idea of the cost involved! I have been quoted $1000 a year ago, but thought that sounded very high. We recently got 4 new wheels and I can totally notice the car 'shaking, rattling' more than before with the old worn tires, hence a year ago when we were first told about the problem.
It's a Nissan Primera SW CVT.yeah I know CVT more trouble than they are worth.!

jmma, Nov 12, 8:02pm
Need a bit more info, when and under what conditions is it shaking etc.
4 new wheels! What sort of wheels!

somersetting, Nov 12, 8:05pm
Shaking/rattling when it's in 'park' or when driving under 30-40kms i.e. driving slow with no acceleration. Hmmm.wheels are ! not the cheapest but not the most expensive from TTS. That wasn't very helpful aye.lol
Do you think it sounds like something else!

jmma, Nov 12, 8:15pm
Sounds like it might be a tuning problem. IE engine misfiring. When was it serviced last and where did you get the idea about engine mounts!

somersetting, Nov 12, 8:23pm
Yes, it is WELL overdue for a service. Last time we did, nearly 1 1/2 years ago (it was just getting too expensive and we couldn't afford 6 monthly services, so we've just been getting WOF's), our mechanic said "next service the engine mounts will need to be fixed, and it'll be about $1000. Also another reason we didn't take it back.

jmma, Nov 12, 8:26pm
Someone else on here may comment on the engine mounts,
To me it sounds like it might need the idle air control valve cleaning (Google it)
Does the car stall when it's cold!

skyblue17, Nov 12, 8:28pm
You can't afford to service it regularly or maintain it properly, but you can justify buying new wheels for it.!

jmma, Nov 12, 8:32pm
I suggest, OP means 4 new tyres (o:

skyblue17, Nov 12, 8:34pm
Yeah I wondered. Thought maybe the new tyres came with the new wheels

jmma, Nov 12, 8:39pm
A quick look around on google, suggest there may be problems with primera engine mounts. Suggest you put on here what year it is and someone like morrisman may come along and shed some light on it for you.

crzyaspeeps, Nov 12, 8:58pm
likely the main mount from front of motor to chassis. they can be expensive to buy new, but they are pretty easy to fit. problem is, once u have been driving round awhile with 1 hammered mount, it does tend to flog the others out before too long. if you know anyone mechanical, hit them up to do it for you instead of getting ripped off by your local garage

mrfxit, Nov 12, 10:51pm
Car wreckers .Good eyes

somersetting, Nov 12, 11:11pm
Sorry, I was writing in a hurry and meant tyres not wheels. I thought something was wrong when I wrote it.
The tyres were dangerous and not safe to drive on hence why we got all new ones. When ever we took the car for a service our mechanic would always find something to fix. Now I am now expert- far from it as you can tell, but we got sick of spending lots of money on our car. We are planning on getting it serviced before Christmas, so will get the mounts checked out then.
It's a 1997 Nissan Primera SW CVT 2L for specific info.

mechnificent, Nov 12, 11:17pm
Ask here or at repco or supercheap how much the parts are.

Then go ask some mechanics how much the parts are and how much to fit them. go with the most honest priced parts.

mechnificent, Nov 12, 11:18pm

somersetting, Nov 13, 1:09am
Great idea, thank you for the link.

kazbanz, Nov 13, 1:12am
$1000 would be every engine mount in the whole darn car

jenifa, Nov 13, 1:23am
go to www.primeracarclub.co.nz and ask the question on the forums. Someone from the club may be able help you.