Costs of painting a caravan roof/waterproofing

jojo76, Nov 13, 2:58pm
and possibly whole caravan.We have been quoted 4k for a total re-paint, i thought that was quite expensive, but atm i have no other quotes to comapre it too.The roof is the worst, it is a 1977 caravan that looks like it has never been re-painted.On the roof you can see bare metal.
How hard it it to waterproof the roof and spray paint it yourself!We have already spent 3k get brakes fixedand chassis repainted this year andcan't afford to spend much more, but i want the roof done before it causes issues.

jojo76, Nov 13, 2:58pm
and possibly whole caravan.We have been quoted 4k for a total re-paint, i thought that was quite expensive, but atm i have no other quotes to comapre it too.The roof is the worst, it is a 1977 caravan that looks like it has never been re-painted.On the roof you can see bare metal.
How hard it it to waterproof the roof and spray paint it yourself!We have already spent 3k get brakes fixedand chassis repainted this year andcan't afford to spend much more, but i want the roof done before it causes issues.

Edited: in fact ive looked at some old hard is it to paint the whole caravan DIY, we can get hold of a spray gun thingie, no idea on cost of paint.

cuda.340, Nov 14, 9:27pm
something like what the dr mentioned above would do the trick. i've done a couple of caravan roofs with a Vulcan product which seems very much the same as the dr's recommendation & i applied it with a roller. being a rubberised type product the roller marks melted down & it blended into a nice smooth surface. then as the dr suggests, repaint the colour of choice.

dunwoody, Nov 15, 2:26pm
The big problem with painting older caravans is sanding it down round all the rivet headsand masking off.

petermcg, Nov 17, 2:51am
Yeah caravans mostly aliminium. The roof and all of it in fact you could do with Durham, its a black rubbery product that is used by roofers and is brushed on. You only need to do the joins and rvets,, and paint over,, Some caravans have a wrinkly style of aliminium and it is better prepared with a scrubbing brush instead of sanding. Use enamel paint with a preparacoat or easy sand undercoat,, dont worry to much about etch primers,,, and practice on something else first. Enamel,, spray in warm atmosphere first coat reasonably dry, not too much thinners and dont worry if you miss little bits with the first coat or you can see through it. second coat after the first has gone tacky,,, sticcky,, and some more thinners now and pour it on a bit heavier, but remember to practise first on the door of the garage.

Use the scrubbing brush method around the rivets also and all sanding is done with water, the same as you do a car.

About $200.00 for paint thinners and sand paper.

mechnificent, Nov 17, 3:11am
"door of the garage". love it.

albundy, Nov 18, 1:55am
I had problems with my caravanroof leaking. After talking to the local caravan sales/ repair place -they use this product "Duraflex", easy to use and worked very well. Click on this link!page=shop.product_details&category_id=4&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=47&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=11&vmcchk=1&Itemid=11