Car sales warranty or Guarantee

tobaziam, Nov 16, 2:11pm
Hello there you all! My name is Brent.L. I brought a car from a carsales here in Timaru District on 09 July 2012. I have blown out the whole casing on the muffler & have done just on 1716 kms. Is the onus on the carsales to replace the muffler or is the onus on me! Any advice shall be much appreciated. With Respect Brent.L

splinter67, Nov 16, 2:15pm
Have you seen the dealer yet! You will get lots of answers that are wrong on here Kaz will be along shortly with the right answer

tgray, Nov 16, 3:03pm
I would make contact with the dealer first.
Legally, it would depend on a number of things:
It's been 4 months, so when considering what is reasonable, things like the purchase price, K's, type of vehicle and cost of repair are taken into account.
Can you please give more details!

kazbanz, Nov 16, 3:09pm
For gosh sakes how do you answer that without all the information
1) What exactly was the vehicle !
2)What did the prepurchase inspection say about the vehicle
3) purchased as an auction/tender or just a normal yard sale.
4) How did the whole muffler casing blow.!

My opinion is that you have owned the vehicle for 4 months and the muffler is a consumeable item.
Any payment by the dealer would be a goodwill exersize.

tobaziam, Nov 16, 3:20pm
I have had the car assessed & the end result is Compression Blow out (Backfiring). The car is an 1998 Ford Fair-lane Ghia 3984cc, 172,243kms on the clock ex normal car yard sale.The WOF mentioned nothing about the muffler. The car is an exCrown car used by the then Prime Minister Helen Clark on her mercy dash to get to the Rugby Match in Chch. Driving by the Diplomatic Protection Squad. Have made contact with the Carsales Yard & they are willing to make an contribution to the final cost.

bellky, Nov 16, 3:23pm
This is awesome.

And what an awesome car! Congrats on the purchase.

It must be very quiet in the car as Mrs Helen dumcluck had no idea the vehicle was travelling at circa 170kph. The driver was charged from what I remember.

xs1100, Nov 16, 3:41pm
well surely theres your answer they are willing to make a contribution but let me guess you think that on a 14 yr old car thats travelled 170,000ks they should pay the full amount

kazbanz, Nov 16, 3:47pm
Thats pretty much what I thought had happened. Given the muffler was fine on purchase (wof) then it suggests one of two senarions. 1)Theres something wrong with the car to cause that much damage or 2) someone has been deliberately causing the car to backfire.

strobo, Nov 16, 3:54pm
Why would the dealer be expected to pay for that lol may as well try for for a set of tyres & more petrol to boot as well !

tobaziam, Nov 16, 7:57pm
Considering I have only had the car for 4 months I was thinking well does a muffler blow out in 4 months but since you are a funny bunny strobo I may try that suggestion. As stated the WOF was sweetaz at time of purchase so dont need new tyres. I havent gone anywhere as the RUGBY SPEED our humble Leader at the time was doing(Oops I mean the DPS) it is a very quiet car to cruise around in. Thank You U All for your input, Even You Strobo U Funny Bunny. With Respect. Brent.L (p.s) Im wondering about people tinkering with the car but how would I take that step further!

NZTools, Nov 16, 8:47pm
The muffler did not blow out in 4 months. If it did, you would expect it to be replaced free of charge. The fact is, the exhaust system is 14 years old, and probably rotten.

A plug missfiring, and causing a backfire or whatever other reason finished the muffler off, is not really the dealers responsibility
If he has offered to contribute towards the cost, gratefully accept it, and count yourself lucky.

tobaziam, Nov 16, 9:17pm
Thank You for this advice NZ Tools. Have made appointment to replace muffler, check spark plugs & will gratefully accept Dealers offer of an contribution to costs. Lucky Man am I. With Respect. Brent.L

strobo, Nov 17, 9:25am
But seriously the car you bought is "second hand " ! Tisnot New /new but in used condition, had a wof at that time as you say,is up to you keep the upkeep

strobo, Nov 17, 9:25am
But seriously the car you bought is "second hand " ! Tisnot New /new but in used condition, had a wof at that time as you say,is up to you keep the upkeep, nice car though all the same

chebry, Nov 17, 2:17pm
Your a classic, You buy an old car with a known history of being thrashed and still expect the vendor to wipe your ass when service items fail get the muffler replaced and expect many more repairs its an end of life vehicle now not a new car.

sw20, Nov 17, 2:34pm


splinter67, Nov 17, 6:28pm
watch out the spelling police are here pity ya missed the fuel gaunge yesterday

tobaziam, Nov 17, 9:28pm
Mr! Read what I wrote! Wipe Your Ass You Clown! Bwahahahahaha. No Respect to YOU!

chebry, Nov 17, 10:30pm
Cry me a river loser you bought a well thrashed dunger nowe you've got a sad face coz it falling apart, Try growing a pair

chebry, Nov 17, 10:30pm
Cry me a river loser you bought a well thrashed dunger now you've got a sad face coz it falling apart, Try growing a pair and stop sooking

aragorn2003, Nov 17, 10:34pm
wow doesn't take much for some