3rd Break Light

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hippygal, Nov 17, 6:49pm
My daughter is going for her restricted tomorrow and we have just discovered her third brake light is not working, the bulb has blown which is fine can replace that but this may sound silly does it need to click into anything as the other end just was hanging there and could not find a spare place to click it into. She has both left and right brake lights and her spoiler brake light works as well. Does she need the 3rd brake light to be working for the restricted when the other 3 brake lights work. TIA (and yes know I spelt Brake wrong in the title)

splinter67, Nov 17, 6:53pm
yes it will need to be working and the spelling police will be along shortly to reprimand you on you spelling btw its brakes not that I can spell either

tara101, Nov 17, 7:10pm
If the light in the the spoiler is working it should be fine.I have had many a person use my vehicle for tests and the spoiler brake light was accepted with out any problem.

hippygal, Nov 17, 7:20pm
Cool thanks for that :)

splinter67, Nov 17, 7:25pm
If tara 101 is wrong it will cost for a new test fix the light not hard to replace a bulb better than paying the $80 again

kazbanz, Nov 17, 7:33pm
Just to be clear. She has left and right brake lights all good. She has a Hi stop light in her spoiler that works.
And she has another light in her back window that doesn't!
In that case Id rip the extra not working light out or put black duct tape over the outside of it

donz01, Nov 17, 7:39pm
I had an issue with the bulb holder not staying in place on a car we owned. From memory I pushed it into place then used some old bunched up electrical wire to stop the holder falling down. Its still in place and there have been no fires or melt downs around the holder.

tara101, Nov 17, 7:44pm
If unsure fix the light for the test. As i stated it was accepted and my vehicle was used a number of times for tests. Best of luck for the test,keep focused for the 45 minutes duration of the test and check this link out.
It is what is involved.http://www.nzta.govt.nz/licence/photo/docs/restricted-test-guide.pdf

thewomble1, Nov 17, 7:47pm
She will be fine as long as there are only 3 brake lights working. No need to tape over the one that is not working.It is either the window unit OR the spoiler unit that needs to work NOT both. Only allowed ONE hi stop light.

hippygal, Nov 17, 8:08pm
Yip that is correct have the spoiler light working and left and right, so all good thanks :)

skyblue17, Nov 17, 8:55pm
So come back and let us know what happens.! There is a heap of crap advice tossed out on this messageboard. Sometimes it seems like there is a competition to be first to post an answer.

shaun16, Nov 17, 9:37pm
i would make sure its all working. the car has to have a wof/reg and all lights must go. they check the indicators and brake lights before you start the test. a friend of mine had a light out and he was told he had 20 mins to fix it or he had to rebook and pay again as it would be a fail.

tmenz, Nov 17, 9:45pm
Can you post a picture of the faulty fitting!
You will probably be a victim of the Catch 22: 'If it's there it has to be working', if you don't fix it or remove it.

saxman99, Nov 17, 9:45pm
From the VIRM:

Mandatory lamp ??

hippygal, Nov 17, 9:48pm
Yes that is right and we have the spoiler light going so all is good. :)

I have spoken to someone who works at VTNZ and he has said it is either the back window light or the spoiler light, and as she has the spoiler light it is fine.

kazbanz, Nov 17, 9:50pm
And if the AA guy decides to be a pedantic bleep!Sorry mon but theory goes out the window dealing with those guys. -Id rather just be safe that sorry. Yea ya might be right but its the OP thats lost their time slot.

splinter67, Nov 17, 9:52pm
and AA stands for always arseholes

melonhead1, Nov 17, 9:54pm
My brake lights break whenever I press the brea.brake pedal.Har har!

kazbanz, Nov 17, 10:56pm
Wombol Im sorry if I seem a pedant but Ive had bad dealings with those AA licence guys.
Once with a Jeep cherokee with ornimental corner lamps he insisted had to work and by the time it was all sorted the innocent driver had missed their time slot so he refused to test them.
Once with spotlights that he insisted were not allowed on the vehicle-even thought they were factory fitted and had all the propper switches.
-once--Ohh look sorry mon simple fact is right or wrong they will waste your time and it costs YOU to rebook or sort out the issue

eajo1mbwass, Nov 17, 11:42pm
quite wrong you are only allowed 3 rear facing brake lights if you have spoiler one take rear window one out have failed wof for having the one in the rear window you can check this at vtnz that is why 4 wheel drives rvr etc can not have all there rear lights going bumper and higher up lights going at the same time

thewomble1, Nov 18, 2:06am
I have the spoiler light working and the one on the shelf at the back of the car is in a molded piece of the shelf is still there but does not work and there is a WOF sticker on the front window.
If they are so worried why not give the tester a ring and ask.

kiwirod, Nov 18, 2:45am
Yip this is the correct answer.

meathead_timaru, Nov 18, 3:06am
Actually, it's not. Both can operate. But only one must. It can be either, provided it meets the operational requirements.

yellowsubmarine, Nov 18, 3:14am
doesnt the virm say you can have 2 hi stop lights!

thewomble1, Nov 18, 5:30am
They both can not operate at the same time.