Anyone had a manual B4 Subaru

paddyman, Nov 19, 2:24am
sort of looking at a couple , just wondering if theres any problems with them. What the fuel economy like, use to have a 1990 RS Legacy and it loved the gas, best I had out of a tank was 450km, are they any better!

chebry, Nov 19, 11:47am
All gas hogs

tazcsv, Nov 19, 2:29pm
I have a 2002 gtb tt manual and i get 550ks per 55l, my mother inlaw took it away and got over 600ks but yes it can go down to 400ish if you drive them hard.
Wait for all the anti suby ppl to come in and rubbish them, oh i see one has already been here.

splinter67, Nov 19, 2:33pm
they are a nice car to drive but they are a bit thirsty round town

nickolaz, Nov 19, 4:05pm
Rubbish around town, good on the open road, I have an auto and get 600km+ on the open road.

kcf, Nov 19, 6:51pm
watch for the TT dead spot, makes them highly frustrating to drive.They go, then the wait for a while, then they go again.

Though B4 I think is the chassis code (not a Subaru expert sorry), and doesn't specifically denote turbo, so I'm not sure if the ones you're looking at are turbo.

jason18, Nov 19, 7:25pm
Manual one. 2002 TT. The flat spot wasnt very bad on these ones. I was always worried about the turbo shitting out haha. Gas wasnt a big issue.

paddyman, Nov 20, 2:54am
Yep its a twin turbo done bout 150 km

franc123, Nov 20, 2:58am
In short that is when they should be sold, not bought. Gas consumption is only a portion of your problems if you get landed with one of those timebombs.

tazcsv, Nov 20, 2:45pm
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, If the car has agreat service history and looks like its really been looked after then 150ks is not to high to buy.
If its been boy modded at all then dont touch it.

bellky, Nov 20, 2:49pm
Wow, a factory vehicle complete with factory flat spot.! What a heap of turd of a car.

pete_iam, Nov 20, 2:54pm
wipe your mouth because you are talking !@#$

tazcsv, Nov 20, 2:55pm
I find the problem is if you change gear to early and the revs drop into the cross over of the turbos this can cause a delay in boost, be aware of it and its not a problem.

jason18, Nov 20, 3:07pm
Afraid so. The earlier ones were way worse. Mine had virtually nill flat spot. Make sure you run some upper engine cleaner through it. Amazing the power difference. Can be bought from subaru