Ok downgrading car

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un_known, Nov 22, 2:10am
heres an idea, less of the foot flat means your gas will go further.

inkapuka, Nov 22, 2:15am
Yeah the thing that annoys me is theat every time i go to pass a falcon they all seem to put their foot down but they tend to slow down at 140 lol and let me past lol

pyro_sniper2002, Nov 22, 3:11am
Try passing a falcodore in a little Mazda 3, that really annoys them, prepare to be tailgated no matter what speed you're going until they can show whos boss at the next passing lane.

xpfairmont, Nov 22, 3:30am
Keep it for the weekends. Pushbike for work.

xpfairmont, Nov 22, 3:39am
I went down the line the other weekend in a little lol starlet. 104kmh the whole way. Guys in bigger cars doing only 90kmh didn't like me passing them. So the would speed up and pass me, then drop down to 90kmh. Then straight past I went again. Just kept at a constant speed, really upset some of them.

inkapuka, Nov 22, 9:17am
Yeah I used to have a 96 spacio. me and a audi q6/7were having passing compititions all the way up to chch lol

inkapuka, Nov 22, 9:41am
I don't have to drive to work I live in house on the same farm I work on lol

oakie, Nov 22, 11:41am
You are better to keep pulling tits for a while yet. you are locked in for another couple of years.

spongefrisk, Nov 22, 2:39pm
Perhaps work at paying the debt off earlier. Make higher payments than the minimum if you can and your finance allows it

inkapuka, Nov 22, 2:43pm
Yeah that what im doing

kolobokk, Nov 22, 2:57pm
Hey, if you need a quick cash loan for xmas, in your acc in minutes! Check it:http://ow.ly/fvv1N

inkapuka, Nov 22, 4:00pm
quote=kolobokk]Hey, if you need a quick cash loan for xmas, in your acc in minutes! Check it:http://ow.ly/fvv1N[/quote]spammer alert

h2oldragon, Nov 22, 4:48pm
More self promoting I see
Advertising is against TMMB rules

bellky, Nov 22, 4:57pm
I wonder where that trader's business would be without TMMB.

nightboss, Nov 22, 5:56pm
What you smoking newbee!

There is no self promotion in what you quoted, looked to me like sound advice from someone in the trade.

No self-promoting either, just words of advice from someone that has seen it all from firsthand experience.

Looks to me like you are the re-incarnation of someone that got banned from here earlier this year. Especially with (zero) beside your username.

Some free advice. Click the link below marked "Message board rules" or others will have to click the links below that upon you.

inkapuka, Nov 22, 10:16pm
haha yeah that's how we roll lol. You tell him how it runs around here