Why do people drive so slow.! Your allowed 10k's over the limit, so use it.
Nov 24, 10:30pm
Just becauseyou won't get a ticket for upto ten k does not mean you should. Its to allow for Speedo accuracy, slopes all of which affect your ability to sit on one constant digit for speed.
Just allow ample time to get to you're destinations.
Nov 24, 10:34pm
Where is this law we traveled to wellington and back yesterday traveling at 100k per hour and guess what we got passed by three cars 2 of them where on the wellington motorway and most didnt keep up
Nov 24, 10:35pm
It's 5kph now, try a little patience.
Nov 24, 10:48pm
you are still breaking the law and why should other drivers break the law for you
Nov 24, 11:53pm
Just some consistency would be nice,went to chch the other day and thought i mite drive at the speed limit,for a change,got behind some crv type suv types,slow down ,brake everywhere,speed up ,slow down etc,put up with it for awhile,then f.k it had to pass,no wonder they go through brakes,they cant even keep up an average !
Nov 25, 12:18am
yep get used to it exmas holidays nearly here and all the townies will be hitting the roads so will take longer but youcant complain if they sitting on 100 ks or trucks sitting on 90 ks
Nov 25, 12:22am
that funny most car drivers cant keep up with trucks anyway you get them roar passed you on a passing lane then slow down usualy complaining that the truck is right up there arse thats because they are driving under 90ks
Nov 25, 12:27am
what i dont understand is people who go 80 - 90 in a 100 and then hit a 70 and they still go 80 - 90! theyre afraid of going 100+ but dont mind breaking the speed limit or something!
Nov 25, 12:43am
"100 ks is not a target" they say. I find it sort of is, it's the speed you aim at limiting yourself to innit! I'm usually staying down to it, not speeding up to it.
Nov 25, 1:15am
not me 105+ get peed off with people who speed up when the lanes get wider, the slow down on the single lane
Nov 25, 11:44am
My old truck b trsin was limited to 95 and guaranteed everytime I went kaikoura coast, sh2 south of bombays, north end of desert road I'd catch the usual fuckwit who had to pass me on the straight but don't know how to corner. Easiest way to cope with all the townies on the open road at Xmas is to ride a motorbike.
Nov 25, 11:59am
Went Rotorua/Karaka and back yesterday,traffic was great,most of the way up always on 100/110ks going up 27,coming back mostly the same through Hamilton.Even Murray in his old Dodge towing the retro caravan was doing 100ks.Lots of classic cars out to.
Nov 26, 10:15pm
because going faster than 100 is supposedly dangerous
but if your doing 90 in a 70 - your not dangerous
its the logical conclusion you reach using the retarded "speed kills" mentality
Nov 26, 10:24pm
the ONLY way to cope with Xmas traffic!
Nov 26, 10:43pm
try living in South Aucks, they drive around at 40 then slow down even futher when they see you behind them but speed up & get agro when you try to overtake. the only other time the '40 or less' rule is ignored is when facing an amber or red light then its floor it through the lights & to hell with everyone else
Nov 26, 10:52pm
Thats a good one:), careful they might want to bunch you.
Nov 26, 11:33pm
We townies, with motorways around us are used to travelling at 100kph!
It's the country bumpkins who have never seen a roundabout before, or those who who have never had to deal with more than one lane of traffic, and hog the right lane even when not overtaking; or, those who have no idea why cars are fitted with rear view mirrors, that are the problem.
Nov 27, 12:44am
You are generalising, it makes me wonder about you city drivers when the one that started this thread did not know how to pay the toll.
Nov 27, 12:45am
Sorry wrong thread.
Nov 27, 2:06am
some have tried, but. ;)
Nov 27, 5:07pm
haha I drove behind a late model Corolla last week going past Ramarama on the flat at 70kph.maybe thats the top speed buy damnnnn did he hold up some traffic lol.
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