1994 ef falcon gli

becsr1, Nov 25, 12:59am
abs light stays on after starting car have read in ford forums that this is a common fault and can be fixed by earthing a certain pin on diagnostic plug and will reset , havent tryed as was unsure . any input would be greatly appreciated

unbeatabull, Nov 25, 1:54am
If there is nothing wrong with the ABS system you can reset the codes by earthing two pins together for 10 seconds. I can't remember the pins off the top of my head sorry, but pretty sure its top left and bottom left.

If there is actually a fault though the code/light will come back up.

aje11, Nov 25, 2:03am
remove dash and take bulb out

unbeatabull, Nov 25, 2:04am
Great idea, then when your brakes fail and you crash.

sabbath-black, Nov 25, 2:07am
.when they do a w.o.f check it wont come on, so fail

becsr1, Nov 26, 1:19am
yeah not taking bulb out just thought maybe there was a reset for it

justcruisin, Nov 26, 2:31am
fordmods.com have a tech page for this

beast9, Nov 26, 3:04am
bent rims warped disc rotors or even a crook wheel bearing can cause this fault as well

meathead_timaru, Nov 26, 4:26pm
ABS fails safe. The brakes will still function just as non-ABS. The light is there to indicate that the ABS itself is not able to function at that point in time.