Tips wanted when starting tip truck job,

kevlight, Nov 26, 3:48am
just got press ganged into a driving job, its a Downer tip truck about 10 ton , doing the broadband onstate highway One ,
Any idea what sort of gear box these things have in them,! ive driven modern trucksFlat deck and town delivery ,with preselect and buses ,but not a tip truck, i presume it will have a manual gear box in it, any body drive one of these and can give me a few heads up tips on revs and clutch ; thanks

the_chooky, Nov 26, 12:04pm
Just don't roll it over, you'll be sweet.

NZTools, Nov 26, 12:23pm
If it's only 10 ton, it will be japanese, and probably just have a 6 speed manual, or a 5 speed with splitter. Both will be full syncro and not much different to a car to drive.

bjmh, Nov 26, 12:40pm
be careful with the hoist up,seen a fewtip over when richard craniums try to get the load off with hoist up,be aware of overhead lines etc

splinter67, Nov 26, 12:55pm
could be a 13speed or a 10speed if its a 13 speed dont preselect the splits best advice tell someone you have not done any tipping work you will be shown as bjmh said be very carefull when your tipping your load off
good luck

poppajn, Nov 26, 2:18pm
Until we know what make and model of truck; it could have any gearbox in it.
I don,t like the sound of "press ganged"; there,s a lot to be aware of with a lack of expereince; but good luck.

kevlight, Nov 26, 6:23pm
Isuzu CYZ400 4.8m Tipper Bin

theram1, Nov 26, 6:36pm
depending on age probably 18 speed roadranger, fun to use gearbox, have you constant mesh experience!

theram1, Nov 26, 6:43pm
as for revs and clutch they are not hard as an american truck with the lever straight into the top of the gearbox, just take it easy change around 1600 rpms give it a gentle rev up to 1600rpmswhen changing down it should drop in, ignore the splitter and drive changing hole gears to start, they have a mystery gear that works in the high range in the postion marked lo, of to the left and down, saves going in lo range. Have fun.

splinter67, Nov 26, 7:44pm
Just spoke to a guy who has driven one 18 speed if youve had no road ranger experience it will be hard to learn not on you but on the gearbox and you can preselect the split downshift at 1500 they have an over rev buzzer at 1825 or so

poppajn, Nov 26, 7:57pm
Jeez kev; don,t follow this advise; gears that are,nt there oryou would never be in the situation to use. I,m done nearly 900,000 k in a 400 Isuzu; the 18 speeds a nice box once you get the hang of it.
Oh and always use the clutch; it,s there for a purpose.

theram1, Nov 26, 10:21pm
Jeez,I have used the mystery gear lot in the high range, it is there, you keep peddling you Lada mate, one day you might graduate to something better when you learn about the roadranger.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 1:12am
Yes "mystery" gear is there its below R ( hard left through indent then down) in a 18 speed when in high range.

When in low range its a sort or deep reduction for serious hill starts or when you need to inch foward- when first low is to fast.
BUT when in high range its "mystery" gear. DONT use it in high range! I was told it dosent have sufficient bearing support for high range use, and buggers the gearbox over a period of time! Just because you can- dosent mean you should- Just because it dosent go bang straight away, dosent mean it wont.
Look on the shift pattern sticker. nothing there in high range on the Eaton/RR shift pattern! BUT in low range on the sticker is has."LO"

philltauranga, Nov 27, 1:30am
Tips for driving a tipper.
Dont put up hoist when on a side slope- it may tip over, dont forget to open trips BERFOE hoist up- if try and open them with pressure on tail door dont stand to close door may smack you in face, dont forget to close trips after tipping- you will forget to close them at the quarry and leave a trail of shyte down the road and several smashed windowscreens, look for powerlines- obviously,when jacknife to tip truck with trailer on dont back to far past 90 deg. you will bend the drawbar tounge, dont drive with pto engaged on highway- oil will get VERY hot- ok when spreading onsite of course, When tipping a trailer on uneven ground try to keep the front dolly in line with the trailer, insted of 90deg. jacknife, this adds to stability through the front of trailer when tipping, if its 90deg. front of trailer chassis can piviot on axle or axles loosing all stability at front and totally reliant on rear axles for stability, this is the same for a semi tipulator try avoid tipping at 90deg. it will piviot on turntable.

theram1, Nov 27, 1:35am
Well that answers that then.
The almighty has spoken.
I'm off to look for a large hammer.

poppajn, Nov 27, 1:50am
Very helpful advice there phil.
And yes ram; I,ve seen an 18 speed with a broken mainshaft due to misuse;driver admitted your senerio. The only time I,ve ever heard mystery gear referred to previous to your post is in a 13 speed.
Just saying thats all.
P.S.; Is the hammer to tighten the rivets in your KW!

chebry, Nov 27, 2:00am
The mystery gear is just above low box 3rd its the shortcut into high range pulling something not too heavy nuthin mysterious about it check the shift pattern plate read it if you can shift a manual youll get it.