Please help!Don't know who to turn to.We have used this guy for 20 years for other vehicles but this time it is crazy.We go each week and ask what is happening.I say I want to take the car without him finishing it and each time he has an excuse.Three weeks ago he said it would be ready and now he says it is missing a special part that you can't get in NZ.We are talking a Renault Kangoo here!He wants $1000 for the parts he has put in already but says it is not drivable without this latest bit.I think he may have had a break down in the past few months but he still works on lots of othe cars as I see different ones there each time I go by.He says he can't do anything about it.In the meantime we have no use of the car, are still paying the insurance etc.It is an insane situation.Can I legally get a tow truck and get it out of there!
Nov 26, 6:26pm
get an itemized account, you will have to pay it to remove the car, then take hime to small claims for refund, unless he is an MTA member, then phone them, ask for all old parts
Nov 26, 6:37pm
LOL 1 year! Luxury! I know of a guy whose 'mechanic' has had his camper for 4 years. It started off as a simple engine replacement.
Your guy isn't in Onehunga by any chance, is he!
Nov 26, 6:43pm
Is he infatuated with Kangaroos and your kangoo is the closest he gets in NZ! Anyway WTF is a Kangoo!
Yes, you could keep kangaroos in it, the spelling is nearly the same
Nov 26, 8:11pm
yes you can go and get it on a towtruck. but be awear renault are a nightmare you dont want to pay the prices for parts they ask in this country they want you to pay 400$ for a 40$ part and then they want to order it in europe where you can order it your self for 40 bux plus shipping. thats what the main renault dealer agents do here in nz.
Nov 26, 8:14pm
i got a renault traffic no problem parst are reasenable if ordered form germany france or switzerland . even ex uk renault parts are cheap mostly. takes 12 to 21 days till you get parts and 380$ or below no gst or import tax. above 380$ occures a 20% gst and import clearance tax on the total money including shipping cost.
Nov 26, 8:20pm
What one is it exactly ! diesel petrol! also do you have somone else to fix it!
Nov 26, 8:23pm
He can hold your car till he gets what he think he is owed. if he lets the car go he cant take it back after to make you pay for it . this would be a reason why you might have to pay when taking it away. its the law = the part where he has no rights to hold it after.
Nov 26, 9:22pm
Unfortunately Renault parts in this country are all made of unobtanium and are 3 to 4 weeks ex France.Only solution is to do as intrade suggests and order youself from Europe.That only works if you know what you need.If whatever he has fitted is only $1000 then he hasn't fitted much.( I just priced a Renault bit at $800 and the same part for a Toyota is $45)
I do howeveragree a year is just stupid.Go and see him, sit him down and tell him you have had enough and either he finishes the job this week or you will take it elsewhere.See what he says.You will however have to pay for whatever he has done to date - parts and labour.Did you get a quote for the work!If not i think you might be in for a horrible shock.
You problem then is who is going to want to work on a half fixed vehicle!
What exactly is wrong with your Kangoo!
Nov 26, 10:45pm
Well that ero part for ya.Go see him and try to find out the parts name and more info, sounds like he is struggling to get you reasonably priced parts, he might be trying to keep the prices down. Give him a chance , talk to him. He is your expert. Cheers.
Nov 26, 11:14pm
A year is not a long enough chance!
Nov 26, 11:59pm
Been there done that. In 11 months, he did just 40 hours of work - and this was fabrication, so parts not an issue. I took it away (I'd not only paid up but was in credit.) to someone who needed the work - and did it.
However, like you, I'd dealt with the original for many years, but at the end of the day, I wanted my car worked on, not stored.
It seems endemic.I have now been waiting a month for an engineer to do the calculations for a roll cage, built to the old MSNZ rules.Without him finishing his bit, everything else paperwork wise, has to wait.Aaaaaargh!Promises that expired a couple of weeks ago and still nothing.Dealing through a third party (workshop) means that I can't really vent my spleen.
In future, I'll agree the time scales - and then apply late penalties on some jobs.If they won't sign a contract to that effect, I'll take the work elsewhere.Some workshops always seem to manage the agreed dates, but far too many do not. I am sure I am not the only one who always pays his bills promptly but still gets dicked around.
Nov 26, 11:59pm
Been there done that. In 11 months, he did just 40 hours of work - and this was fabrication, so parts not an issue. I took it away (I'd not only paid up but was in credit.) to someone who needed the work - and did it.
However, like you, I'd dealt with the original for many years, but at the end of the day, I wanted my car worked on, not stored.
It seems endemic.I have now been waiting a month for an engineer to do the calculations for a roll cage, built to the old MSNZ rules.Without him finishing his bit, everything else paperwork wise, has to wait.Aaaaaargh!Promises that expired a couple of weeks ago and still nothing.
In future, I'll agree the time scales - and then apply late penalties on some jobs.If they won't sign a contract to that effect, I'll take the work elsewhere.Some workshops always seem to manage the agreed dates, but far too many do not. I am sure I am not the only one who always pays his bills promptly but still gets dicked around.
Nov 27, 12:08am
Just be careful, I know of about 3 of these wee orphans (in our hemisphere anyway) that are now scrapheap at best - unobtainium does not cover some of the parts availability.
Nov 27, 12:14am
what parts are you talking about zephireheaven!
Nov 27, 12:15am
herd of cows!
Nov 27, 2:29am
Thats interesting.I've had Renaults for 30 years and never yet struck anything i couldn't get.Quite surprising what was available - sometimes off the shelf at the local dealer.Must admit as Renault's presence in NZ gets smaller its not quite so easy.Renault NZ pricing is simply extortion.Oz is a little better but best bet by far is ebay.Its cheaper and quicker.Retail out of UK is about 800% cheaper than trade NZ.Im guessing that if you could be bothered with the language problems other parts of Europe might be better still.
Nov 27, 2:34am
Would (probably) be a great advantage if you could order bits at your Nissan dealer but you cant.Afterall Nissan own Renault or is it the other way about. Actually for some models perhaps you can as some Renaults are simply rebodied Nissans now.Doubt that would apply to the little Kangoo though.
Nov 27, 2:38am
Laugh out loud
This coming from a recovering French car owner / mechanic
Thanks for all the replies.I have sat (or stood ) lots of times with him.Yes,next week.I have threatened to go public, I have threatened him with MTA etc.It is a throttle position sensor.Kangoo is 2003.I have checked on Ebay and they are there but I don't think I should go ahead and get it.You see a few weeks ago it was a different switch needed.Then it was just the WOF,now it is this sensor.I need to get it out of there!
Nov 27, 2:00pm
Then pay what is owed, and have it towed to another garage. Any disputes over the bill can then be sorted out in the disputes tribunal.
Nov 27, 10:18pm
Sign the cheque "Without Prejudice" which I believe means that just because you have paid, it doesn't mean you are happy and won't take it further.No doubt someone with a legal background can confirm that.
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