Van Painting problem

rapids17, Jan 11, 1:34pm
Hi we have an old van that the paint job and panels are in really poor condition. The paint under the top coat - 9which although it hasnt been brushed on it might as well have been) is badly chipped and there are lots of small dints etc, is there a filler primer that would we could spray on.

intrade, Jan 11, 3:32pm
you have to sand it back first. down to good material, or maybe just light sand it and roller over it as it will cost you loads to do it right, I had to sand my bonnet down to blank metal as the paint was all gone cost me 900$ just to do the bonnet and roof my self with correct looking paint to match rest of the car.

intrade, Jan 11, 3:35pm
used angle grinder down to bear metal 4 flex disk. then etch primer then normal primer and spray putty .then 2 to 3 coats of laquer with sanding back in between and last the clear coat bout 30 h total and another 2 with the polisher to buff it up nice and shiny