Just had my 88 Mitsi Pajero (2.5L Turbo Diesel 4d56t motor) at the mechanic yesterday for a service. I would normally do this myself but Im way to busy at the moment and needed it for towing duties this weekend and next.
It has a new engine which is around 10,000km old, when I picked it up he noted it took 7.5L of oil which I thought was a bit much but didnt question it as he is the expert right! On the way home I noticed it was a bit slugish but wasnt blowing any smoke. This morning I went and picked up a trailer got it home left it facing down hill for a few hours while I loaded it up with rubbish for the tip. Hoped in it cranked it over it fired almost instantly but then hydrolocked quite violently, ive checked the dipstick and its miles overfull and ive looked up on the castrol website which says it should only need 6.2L of oil including the filter.
For now Ive left a message with him saying theres an issue with it and to call me asap and ive pushed it back into the carport.
Im hoping we can just drain a liter or so of oil out of it, pull the glowplugs, crank it over to get the oil out of the affected cylinder/s, put the plugs back in and all will be good. But im going to leave it for him to sort out, i dont want to touch it so that theres no arguments about what I might have done
What would you guys do or expect from the mechanic! What if its broken or bent a con rod, what would you expect to happen then! remembering this engine is practically new
Nov 19, 3:07am
see him on monday morning, he must be given the oportunity to fix it, if no luck, take it some where else, put every thing in writing, contact MTA if he is a member
Nov 19, 3:07am
Keep all your info you got from the mechanic, write down everything that you remember he said to you. Get him to checck it over and see what has happened. Then there lots of talk going to happen. Untill everyone knows what has happened no point getting too agro. Easy said though. Good luck.
Nov 19, 3:18am
The FIRST thing I would do is make sure you have your facts straight. The bit about the mechanic putting 7.5l in seems pretty clear. But you do want to be sure that YOUR engine definitely takes only 6.2l INCLUDING filter. I can think of another reason for the engine to lock up which unfortunately has nothing to do with the mechanic.
Nov 19, 3:36am
Sounds to me like you have it sussed. My diesel has done that twice and it is a bit scary but when I got onto a level areaevery thing went back to normal . Diesels can canablise their own oil if they are to full and you are doing the right thing leaving it to the mechanic to sort out.
Nov 19, 3:58am
20% over full. I doubt very much that even if he put in the 7.5L and it's actually a 6.2L refill that it's that which has caused your problem.
Nov 19, 4:05am
Thanks guys, Kaz I know of pleanty of other ways for it to lock up although Im interested in what your thinking
Hammer, any idea why yours has done it! and how long have you left it on level ground before trying again!
Nov 19, 4:07am
I'm sure the 4D56 turbo in my Delica used about 7.5L of oil including filling up the massive filter!
Nov 19, 4:17am
Not being rude here but I assume you put it back on a level surface before checking the oil level!Even if it was a litre or so overfull I can't see it being the cause of your problem.
Nov 19, 4:39am
OUCH. I hope you get another tow car sorted , I unfortunately don't have one atm to lend ya ( but maybe in a few months, not that its helpful now :()
Nov 19, 7:14am
Just went and had a look, oil is about 5mm or so over full on the dipstick which doesnt seem like it should be a problem so the 7.5Lof oil could be accurate. I havnt tried to start it yet. We pushed it into the carport when it happened so its been sitting level for a good 4+ hours. Im half tempted to try starting it again now, i guess any damage that could have been done will have been done when it initially locked up. Thoughts anyone!
Nov 19, 7:25am
Id take the glow plugs out and wind it over a turn or 2 on the starter to see if or what comes out of it.
Nov 19, 7:38am
Also check the coolant level in the radiator itself, not just in the overflow tank, if its dropped significantly I think you can guess where its gone to.Confirm by doing the above glow plug removal test and give it a quick flick on the starter, make sure you disconnect the glow plug relay or else make sure the glow plug wiring/glow strip can't touch any metal parts before doing it.
Nov 19, 7:42am
franc--that was EXACTTLYmy thinking -not oil at all but a nice water /oil mix
Nov 19, 1:55pm
1 litre of extra oil won't hydraulic the engine, you have other issues
Nov 19, 6:23pm
Tell him you hope he has a good public liability insurance policy.
Nov 19, 8:19pm
good luck, and as far as the MTA good luck there too - my recent experience with them has proven to me how unethical they can be.
Nov 19, 8:35pm
wait for the mechanic mite be nothing to do wiht what he did. so easy to say his fault
Nov 19, 8:40pm
Which is the absolute last thing you should say straight up, if the engine has ended up with a cylinder full of water and maybe even water in the sump that is hardly the fault of the guy who changed the oil.
Nov 19, 8:44pm
it must be the mechanic.mitsi deisels never give problems
Nov 19, 8:50pm
5mm over the full mark! thats nothing, and as other posters have said, a litre or so overfull won't cause any trouble. Suspect you've got something else going on. Be nice and polite to the mechanic and don't go laying blame till it's been checked and diagnosed
Nov 19, 11:22pm
Just went outsite and checked radiator, not down on coolant at all. Tried starting it and it fired right up, took it for a spin down the road and seems to be ok, only smoke it was making was black which is perfectally normal. Only thing I did note when I started it half an hour later was it ran on 3 cylinders for a few seconds but then came right. I would still like to know why it locked up on me yesterday
Nov 19, 11:32pm
Was there any smoke on start up when it was on 3 cyl! white or black!
Nov 20, 12:15am
perhaps a dribbling injector which is slowly filling the cylinder causing a hydro-lock! My 4D56T had a dribbling injector or something going on which would make it run on 3 cylinders and puff out lots of white smoke until it started to warm up then came right on all 4 cylinders - but it never locked up on me or gave troubles starting.
Mar 22, 1:06pm
Hmmm never buy a diesel beginning with M
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