What will happen if i straight pipe my car?

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aleestar, Nov 26, 7:02pm
What will happen if i straight pipe my car!

bellky, Nov 26, 7:04pm
It'll sound like a fart cannon.

daryl14, Nov 26, 7:05pm
School's out for summer!

mrfxit, Nov 26, 7:08pm

tickets for noise.
Cracked pistons
lack of power
Go deaf AND probably get a beating from the locals
Get it pinched by some yobbo BR (cause it sounds 'sick'
chew through spark plugs

theram1, Nov 26, 7:10pm
It would suck, imagine the noise it would make, what ever floats you boat.

andrea_w, Nov 26, 7:11pm
Absolutely nothing if it's electric

theram1, Nov 26, 7:14pm
Even less if it is diecast.

aleestar, Nov 26, 7:15pm
my mate wanted to no lol

andrea_w, Nov 26, 7:18pm
Ah so now the flaming has begun, the car is now not yours eh .!
What car does your "mate" have!

aleestar, Nov 26, 7:25pm
a 5.0 vr ss

theram1, Nov 26, 7:28pm
A mate with a Holden my god tell him that it sucks and to straight pipe it, wouldn't that be the best thing for it.

aleestar, Nov 26, 7:30pm
cool sweet thanks

meathead_timaru, Nov 26, 8:53pm
Nothing except the admiration of by-standers. You go for it, kiddo!

jason18, Nov 26, 8:54pm
It will sound boss as man!

kazbanz, Nov 26, 9:00pm
straight pipe means that the tiny little men with hammers can crawl up the pipes and attack the piston crowns. Then their brothers with blow torches will try very hard to melt the pistons.
Before you think this is a joke -go to the LIBRARY. funny building with slabs o9f paper in em called books.look up race tuning a holden or even just basic internal combustion. See if you can work out why its actually NOT a joke

poppajn, Nov 26, 9:38pm
No WOF; even raceing car,s have a decibel limit.

trademerob, Nov 26, 9:55pm
While i think the above is a wind up.I raced a big bike for years with a straight pipe higher compression than a car and it when,t faster as the years when by.

wrong2, Nov 26, 10:05pm
but your post is a joke

not having a muffler wont kill your engine

look at the Supermarine Spitfire - they didnt even have a proper exhaust length & ran 28+ psi . . . . . .without mufflers

bellky, Nov 26, 10:06pm
^Yep, same for some of that mrfixit garbage up there too.

tgray, Nov 26, 10:10pm
Just change the rear muffler.

kazbanz, Nov 26, 10:14pm
How long did those engines run for ! were they running efi with limited adjustability

mrfxit, Nov 26, 10:18pm
Those engines would not have been factory std engines with straight pipes & as for the Spit Fire engine, thats a dedicated aircraft engine designed to run with short pipe stubs

LMAO "mufflers on an air force war time fighter plane" ;-)

wrong2, Nov 26, 10:20pm
oh please!

aircrafts cant just pull over if the engine dies

mufflers are there for the noise. not the longevity. if your running the right length & jetting, the only difference will be the noise

lordv81, Nov 26, 10:22pm
28 PSI!
The British measured boost pressure as lbs./sq.inch (or psi). The normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.6959 psi, although this can vary from day to day: a reading of +6 meant that the air/fuel mix was being compressed by a supercharger blower to 20.7 (rounded figure) psi before entering the engine; +25 meant that the air/fuel mix was being compressed to 39.7 psi. However, there was a problem with the British system of measuring boost, in that in an aircraft the pressure gauges should measure absolute pressure within the engine's supercharger, rather than showing atmospheric pressure at sea level, plus the supercharger's pressure; at sea level this was a reasonable measure but, in engines that were used through different altitudes this method becomes completely arbitrary. Because the Americans measured their boost ratings using inches of Mercury (" Hg), their boost gauges more accurately recorded the absolute pressures being generated by the superchargers at all altitudes.[13]

lordv81, Nov 26, 10:26pm
An old drag racers and motorbike owners way of judging where to cut exhaust/headers was to paint them and cut where the paint was not burning.this stil gave back pressure and performance as it showed where exhaust gasses were the coolest.Still stuff your engine in the long run especially if not tuned to run richer for short periods.