My Car Has Died

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chelseas-nana, Nov 28, 7:50pm
Daughter rang me earlier in the week and said my car was at the mechanics.Then she rang back with it's not good news.Apparently the timimg chain/cambelt broke and stuffed the engine.Guess I'll have to break my horse to cart.

splinter67, Nov 28, 7:52pm
Gee up nedee

bellky, Nov 28, 8:08pm
Get it fixed if it's worth it. second hand engine or whatever (with warranty). Make sure you get a fixed quote (preferably in writing) for what it's going to cost in full, and make sure you trust the mechanic (generic term).

chelseas-nana, Nov 28, 8:14pm
I've spoken to the mechanic and he said even tho the body is in ok condition for it's age(12 yrs old)Theres other things to take into consideration,disturbing the transmission for eg.(not worth the risk) in a car that old.He said all the above and has given me a quote over the ph,car in Whanga me in Paeroa.But his gut feeling was too trash it.

bellky, Nov 28, 8:16pm
Excellent, sounds right. Pity though.

karma1975, Nov 28, 8:20pm
sounds like a load of twadle! he just doesnt want to do the job, disturbing the trans! I have a lot of friends who would laugh at that,and will be. find another mechanic.

elect70, Nov 28, 8:21pm
Be lucky to find acar of same vintagefor same cost as aused or rebuilt engine . Get anotheropinion /quote to repairmay not betoo bad if it hasnt putvalves through the pistons .

splinter67, Nov 28, 8:23pm
What sort of car is it!

splinter67, Nov 28, 8:24pm
Worst advice ever

chelseas-nana, Nov 28, 8:32pm
Have just spoken to my own mechanic in Thames and he told me exactly the same thing.2000 Nissan Cefiro.Auto.High milage over 200 k.And yes the pistons are shot.Mechanic in Whanga and my own one both said they could do the job if thats what I wanted.

3tomany, Nov 28, 8:35pm
just go car shoping it is way easier and everyone loves having a newer car

chelseas-nana, Nov 28, 8:37pm
very true,

bellky, Nov 28, 8:39pm
Worst post ever.

splinter67, Nov 28, 8:42pm
200k is not high milage how about a second hand engine

splinter67, Nov 28, 8:44pm
no balls belky pity

bellky, Nov 28, 8:44pm
Been mentioned post # 4.

carstauranga001, Nov 28, 8:44pm
I guess you disagree then!

carstauranga001, Nov 28, 8:44pm
I guess you disagree then!

You edited, but I saw it. You said --- "F**K off then" Muuuuummmmmm Belky said the F word!

hi-ling, Nov 28, 8:46pm
What happened Belky! lost your nerve!

splinter67, Nov 28, 9:00pm
HAHAHA we all saw it bellend seeya your a goner

bellky, Nov 28, 9:04pm
I'm glad. I meant it.

splinter67, Nov 28, 9:05pm
if ya meant it why did you change it dud

bellky, Nov 28, 9:07pm
Stand by for answer.

splinter67, Nov 28, 9:09pm
Why are you on hold to trademeyou know it costs to ring the 0900 line

the-lada-dude, Nov 28, 10:23pm
HOLD ON . he,s swapping caps, john246 will magically appear