My Car Has Died

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the-lada-dude, Nov 28, 10:25pm
that'll be a cheap car for a home mech that can service cyl heads

jmma, Nov 28, 10:29pm
Mum catch you on the computer again (o:

vtecintegra, Nov 28, 11:17pm
Yeah those Cefiros definitely don't hold a lot of value - check out similar year models (and the Maxima which is the NZ version)

vtecintegra, Nov 28, 11:18pm
Interesting it had a timing chain failure - I didn't think that was particularly common on those engines.

harry353, Nov 28, 11:32pm
Feel sorry for the OP. No more car and having to put up with dumbarse posters with ego issues.

grangies, Nov 28, 11:57pm

It is ridiculous . She'll come back for a look and wonder what on Earth this crap is all about.

jason18, Nov 29, 12:44am
For that car I would probably find a cheap second hand engine and fit it or definitely scrap. Wouldn't bother rebuilding engine

supernova2, Nov 29, 1:52am
What's a 2nd hand engine for that worth!I'm guessing could be up to $2k by the time its fitted, new oil etc etc etc.Whats everyone think costs wise!

jason18, Nov 29, 1:59am
Yeah true could be right there. Depends if you can afford a new car or if its best to keep on the old car!

kdcentralni, Nov 29, 2:10am
Throw it on the stack and move on.

loulou175, Nov 29, 12:44pm
Bwa ha ha. cowardice would be the answer. Plus the knowledge that there is a rather large posse waiting for such an opportunity.

kazbanz, Nov 29, 12:53pm
Year 2000V6 cefiro with 200k on the clock. Realistically its a $4000 vehicle.Allowing that the engine is the same as earlier models then you are looking at under $2000 to fit a lower milage engine including oil servicing,end seals rad flush etc.
As a trade or to sell as is will be around $500.
A replacement car AT LEAST 4000 for something of the same vintage.
Odviously more for a newer car.
What should the OP do!
I dunno but at least with real figures she's got the information to make an informed decision

chebry, Nov 29, 12:54pm
So belky dud you get me banned for some mildy offensive turn of phrase yet you are still here and yes I saw what you wrote, wheres that other policeman that usually hovers in the background!

chelseas-nana, Nov 29, 1:53pm
Prolly look at selling it,Gotta get it back from Whanga first.

splinter67, Nov 29, 2:25pm
Still waiting dud

bellky, Nov 29, 2:35pm
Your contributions are invaluable louise.

intrade, Nov 29, 2:38pm
the aa carry anycar to anywhere if your a AA plus member. Push it on to the road and call the AA lol. if i ever brake down i become a AA plus or gold memebr or what ever its called the highest priority one 400$ or so to join on the spot but still cheaper then to try and organise my own transport.

bellky, Nov 29, 2:49pm
So what's your point.

splinter67, Nov 29, 3:11pm
still waiting bellend gee you must spend a lot on the 0900 line not to get banned for that youll slip up again

kdcentralni, Nov 29, 4:20pm
Those A32's arn't worth $4k I reackon, may be a 98-99 with 150 odd on it but the 94,5,6 cefiro's are a $2300 car balls out, do we know the year.
My scrappy friend gets one of those everyday of the week atm.

3tomany, Nov 29, 4:35pm
why not scrap it in whangas saving on the cost of transport

kazbanz, Nov 29, 4:58pm
You did see the bit where is a year 2000! -I figure year 2k with 200 on it is a 4k car.

gmphil, Nov 29, 5:16pm
Hard call if u were mech minded it would be easy as u mention ur local garage
Ul be paying for every minute and depending on wot u can source a second hand unit for with warranty ,this where start to add up as for that warranty to be valid u need to change belt in tensioner water pump thermostat and rodd out ur radiator as anything old that contributes to any new problem after job done they will not cover it so after buying in fitting those then pull replace engine id say 2k if it still worth 3-4 k in u like it may still be worth doing

splinter67, Nov 29, 11:20pm
Ho hum how long is this going to take bellend 26 hours so far

chebry, Nov 30, 12:12am
My point bulky dewd is you are very quick to condem others for exactly the same things you do yet you seem imune from moderation