Fitting used monsoon covers to rear windows

wron, Dec 10, 3:20am
of a Camry wagon. I've tracked down a pair from a wrecker - how easy are they to fit! Do I need to buy a special kit! Thanks.

franc123, Dec 10, 4:19am
Normally just a case of removing the old adhesive tape from the shields, applying new stuff and cleaning the door frame where they are going to fit with meths or preferably prepsol, and sticking them on. A gentle heat of the door frame with a hairdryer or heat gun helps before attaching them.

kazbanz, Dec 10, 2:06pm
wron.I agree 100% with franc. The only extra Id add is that a lot of accessory monsoons also have clips that fit between the door frame and the rubber window tracking.
So you set up the tape with one side of the backing still in place.line it all up.put the clips in place -whip the protective tape off
stick the monsoon in place then push the rubber tracking back into place

cpnnz, Dec 11, 12:35am
Use good quality double-sided tape, I`ve always used a 3M brand, never fall off if prepared well.

wron, Dec 13, 4:27am
Thanks for replies - would I get the tape from a place like Supercheap or Repco! What width do you recommend! Also Prepsol, would they sell that!
Kazbanz, they'recoming from a wrecker so I won't know about any clips until I talk to him, will ask for more advice if I get stuck.! you don't need to reply - I remember a time in the past when a very kind person got into heaps of trouble for offering to actually help another poster!

panelvanner, Dec 13, 5:40am
TBH, all the muckin' about, extras to pay for etc, just buy new. Nearly not worth the hassle going s/h.

wron, Dec 14, 1:41am
Tried Supercheap, made to order, but only available for front windows at well over $100 each - would like rear ones to provide air for canines in wagon tailgate. They doubted Toyota would have them for such an old car and said that they would have been very expensive - however will ring NW Toyota in the morning just to check. Thanks.