Not the time of the year for driving one's best

footplate1, Dec 12, 9:18pm
People parking by touch.Blind reversing in supermarket car parks.Trolleys left to be blown against cars, in the supermarket car park.
Already witnessed one person trying to escape without acknowledging damage."Insulance will cover!Insulance will cover!"Hers, or the owner of the damaged car!

theram1, Dec 12, 9:24pm
It will soon be over, then they will hit the highway to the bach.

the-lada-dude, Dec 12, 10:35pm
don'y you mean .Hit the road jack !
and don't ya come back , no more no more

theram1, Dec 12, 10:43pm
give me my badge back. The one I just gave you in the brake thread.

elect70, Dec 13, 8:19pm
In supermart car park, park furtherest away from the entrancefewer cars, sheilas dont like to walk far.

johnf_456, Dec 13, 9:23pm
doesn't work in Auckland they come park next to you, especially when you park the furthest away.

itsbutters, Dec 13, 10:12pm
Say no more. I'm not even surprised.
Good on you for stopping them from leaving (by the sounds of it).
I have very little patience for those people.

footplate1, Dec 14, 2:53pm
and the owner of the damaged car called to thank us.

We have had three lots of damage to our cars and never once has anyone left details.I felt a bit of a nark, until I recalled what the damages cost us.