Nissan Primera P10 clutch cable change?

sharlie4, Dec 21, 1:23am
Has anyone changed a clutch cable on one of these! It's pretty easy apart from fitting it to the pedal, I can barely get my hands in there and can't see in there either. Does taking the dash out give you more room, does the whole assembly come out!

intrade, Dec 21, 1:25am
why dont you take the seat out !

morrisman1, Dec 21, 1:26am
I havn't done a primera but find the pulsar easy as to get the pedal end off. Its just technique. put the pedal end on first before you put the clutch end on, and feed through a bit of cable.

sharlie4, Dec 21, 1:30am
I was going to take the seat out to get a bit more room. I cant see the bit where the clevis thingy goes on. Does the pedal mount come off easy!

morrisman1, Dec 21, 1:36am
shouldn't need to take anything off. get your hand up there and feel where the cable comes through the firewall, then with the clutch pedal up you should be able to feel the hook too.

sharlie4, Dec 21, 1:39am
Ok thanks for your helps :)

sharlie4, Dec 21, 4:44am
Went on easy as once I took a break, thanks all.