1991 Honda Prelude vtech starter motor

boneyj, Dec 27, 12:28am
Can anybody tell me what the order number for a starter motor is!I have to have the number that is on the starter motor before I can buy it. I need it urgently as have a hospital appointment next week and live in the country so buses are not an option. The car is an automatic

theram1, Dec 27, 12:48am
Can you get an auto electrician to look at it they might know what is needed.

boneyj, Dec 27, 12:54am
The car is unable to be started so cant get it to a garage or auto electrician

mugenb20b, Dec 27, 12:56am
Get someone to lightly smack the starter motor with a hammer while you crank the key.

mugenb20b, Dec 27, 12:57am
Call AA.