Hey guys painting, can you paint 2k gloss over 1k

sassifox123, Dec 31, 7:13pm
Paint without any problems thanks

gunhand, Dec 31, 7:17pm
You may get awaywith it with a sealer but in time you will see sink back etc. It will go on fine but if its a hi end job you may regreet it.

sassifox123, Dec 31, 7:20pm
1k paint is not as good as 2k i might test it on a pannel thanks mate

gunhand, Dec 31, 7:23pm
Testing it on a panel wont tell you alot really. As I said it will go on fin but in a month or so you may notice problems. It depends whats under the 1k as well.

grangies, Dec 31, 7:32pm
If you're going to do it, spend a bit more and buy a High Solids 2k premium branded paint.

There are plenty of cheap 2:1 ratio 2K's out there, but they are cheap for a reason. The cheapest I'd go would be PPG Autothane, or Sikkens BT120. (other main brands will have a similar lower cost paint)

But if you are willing to spend a bit more and are capable of spraying a HS 2K paint , then go for something like PPG Delfleet, or Carboline 379. The extra cost is worth it due to it's excellent hold out, less sinkage into lower grade substrates etc.

sassifox123, Dec 31, 7:42pm
the reason i have gone 1k in PPG paint they could colour match it with the existing, i don't mind spending money for a top finish, will the hs 2k gloss efect the 1k ppg! thanks

grangies, Dec 31, 7:44pm
Oh, so you mean you want 2k Clear not 2k colour!

grangies, Dec 31, 7:45pm
And is the 1k called PPG Dulon!. Have you bought it yet!

sassifox123, Dec 31, 7:55pm
yeah and yeah i have

sassifox123, Dec 31, 7:56pm
ppg dealer in cristchurch made it up

grangies, Dec 31, 8:44pm
Well it's not really a good idea to paint 2K clear over fresh acrylic lacquer (Dulon). I thought you meant you were wanting to paint 2K colour over sanded 1K primer.

Because Dulon is very solvent sensitive, each coat self adheres to the one below. The basically melt together to form a bond, and then air dry by releasing the solvents in it.

If you put 2K clear on top, the solvent in the 2K clear will only slightly melt the Dulon to form a precarious bond. And then because the 2K dries from a chemical reaction from it's hardener, the top coat will dry hard and form a completely non penetrable seal over the Dulon before the Dulon has released all it solvents via air drying.

That can cause the 2K clear to fall off.

sassifox123, Dec 31, 9:06pm
thought it would react in one way or the other thanks,

coolieo, Dec 31, 9:50pm
I have seen it done before. After sanding down the 1K lightly, then sprayed with 2k clear. Shined like a mirror on silver.

gunhand, Dec 31, 10:09pm
Ive seen lots of things done as well. Dosn't make it right or gaurantee a long lasting paint job.You may well get away with it but ten again it could become a nightmare.
They make make things compatable with each other for a reason.

petermcg, Dec 31, 10:33pm
If that is dulon paint you are talking about it needs to be cut as well, so I dont think it is a very good idea to use a 2 pot mix at all,. stick to the laquer and buff it up.

gammelvind, Jan 1, 12:38am
PPG have a 1K premium clear designed especially for going over Dulon. This provides a nice gloss off the gun but needs a good buff to get the best gloss level.
On the other hand I see Autothane two pack clear put over Dulon regularly and yes it isn't recommended, and yes I am sure this is some of the clear delamination problems going on out there, but I see it happening daily especially from car yards demanding a quick cheap job.
My recommendation, since you have the Dulon (excellent product but a little dated) get some 1k Premium Clear and you won't have any problems.

sassifox123, Jan 1, 2:37am
great stuff thanks guys