for a nissan pulsar. Needs about 80L per hour minimum for the engine at 42 psi. Has anyone had experience with the chinese ones! Should I avoid them and go genuine or are they OK. Its for a race car, sr20ve engine.
Jan 2, 11:26pm
Genuine bosch pumps are not expensive
Jan 2, 11:31pm
areyou talking internal or external.many aftermarket non genuine non chinese varients to choose from
Jan 2, 11:35pm
its internal one, at some stage I can see me putting in an external one though depending on how well the factory tank copes with cornering.
Jan 3, 1:59am
The chinese pumps tend to use plastic inards like plastic bushings that fail. Even the walbro external pumps are suspect. Heard good things about deatschwerks and bosch are normally great pumps to. Denso makes good pumps, the one for the twin turbo supra can still be ordered new, lasts forever and flows heaps.
Jan 3, 3:00am
dont bother with the ching bing shit, pay the little bit extra and get the real deal, Who much you saving! $50, $100! only to have to do the job twice.
Jan 3, 3:17am
plus if you buy the chinese one you sponsor communism and nz's demise (not to mention getting a crappy p.o.s)
Jan 3, 5:03am
well nz sp;onsors ALOT of communism then.
the warehouse, briscoes, noel leeming, bond n bond, harvey norman, coin saves, dick smith just to name a few.
plus at least half the sh1t in your car is most likely made by the communist and assembled in a non communist country.
Jan 3, 3:20pm
Doesn't make it right, you have to start somewhere.
Jan 3, 3:23pm
morrisman doesn't like to buy anything European on principle.
Jan 3, 3:37pm
Yeah this is the driving god who cant handle a stock Peugeot 306 coz its too fast for him.
Jan 3, 7:16pm
the only thing asian in my car is the stereo-cos there's no option there,don't come crying to me when they bayonet your granny cos they wanna use nz for their farm for free-at least i ain't funding the bayonet.
Jan 3, 11:11pm
I know aye, it was even a diesel one. What a rubbish driver he must be.
I have a bosch 044 in the morry minor which might make it's way into the race car.
Jan 4, 2:49am
Walbro pumps are good for there price but you need to make sure you are getting genuine. We flow and pressure test all vehicles before going on our dyno and you would be supprised how many 'genuine' walbro pumps have less than 2LPM where they should be off the guage ( it reads up to 4LPM ). Dont forget to rewire the pump to get alternator voltage instead of 12vas that makes a huge differance to flow. I would be supprised if you used more fuel than the stock sr20ve pump could flow on a na especially if you rewired it to get decent voltage.
Jan 5, 3:32am
Maybe get a used hand Maxima or S15 one! Should flow enough
Jan 5, 2:19pm
Well goober you asked for it you post a video of a very slowly moving pulsar and moan about lift off understeer the proclaim that the best handling hatch available of the 90s that went on to be the most successful rally car ever is crap you are a fool
Jan 5, 3:31pm
Any nissan turbo pump will do the job.
Jan 5, 4:04pm
What do you drive again chebry! You should come compete down here, need someone to beat me.
Jan 5, 4:07pm
A kid on a tricycle could whip your ass dude
Jan 5, 4:13pm
they must be a good peddler then. Is it a peugeot tricycle!
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