Suzuki rv125

anakingangsta, Jan 4, 1:24am
Hello, I have a Suzuki rv125 here that runs alright. What are they worth nowadays! I saw one on trademe a few months back go for $1300.

Thanks :-)

beart0y, Jan 4, 1:57pm
Depends alot on condition and demand. I sold one 3 yrs ago that I bought new in 1974 for $749 and got $750 ($1 profit!)It was mint and took ages to quit. Tyres were the hardest-to-get bits back then.

wombalinia, Jan 4, 2:01pm
Have had a couple also, cool old bikes.Many of the market these appealed too now have so much better choice which will have knocked the sale price. I wouldn't pay anything like $1300 for one today!