that can be stored in a garage, it doesn't say exactly on the the net, however, i came across this:
If you are storing greater than 50 litres of petrol, you need a Location Test Certificate.
so i'm picking you may store up to 50L in a garage, would this be correct! TIA
Jan 19, 8:06pm
Pays to check with insurance co. I was allowed 20L in two different containers (o:
Jan 19, 8:07pm
not sure but it shouldnt really matter! what are the chances someones going to see all youre fuel and dob you in! i have 10 litres in my garage for the lawnmower and chainsaw.
Jan 19, 8:08pm
so what happens when you park the car in there! i bet theres a lot more then but that probably doesnt count
Jan 19, 8:09pm
i've been storing up to 60L at times
Jan 19, 8:10pm
I would say its only a problem when it burns down (o:
Jan 19, 8:12pm
LOL true
Jan 19, 9:17pm
fuel has a use by date
Jan 19, 11:10pm
yes zak, but i buy 100L of fuel to get the max discount - i only store it for about a week or so before it gets used
Jan 19, 11:35pm
Nope because its in an approved container
Jan 20, 12:36am
I seem to remember from the last dangerous goods cert I got, a few years ago that you may store up to 50 litres in containers not larger than 20 litres, without a permit.
Jan 20, 3:27pm
What the law states on this issue is most likely VERY different to what your insurance company states. Be Aware!
Jan 20, 3:47pm
whilst good in theory ; most savings schemes only tick over the 1st 40L you purchase (I know the BP one does
Jan 20, 5:10pm
Your DG endorsement would have told you thelaws and limits for bulk fuel cartage and storage.
Jan 20, 5:21pm
After the garage has burnt down, no-one could say how much, or how little, fuel was stored.
Jan 21, 12:57am
I choose not to store any petrol, other than that contained in my cars, in my garage. Any extra, such as for lawn mowers etc I store in the garden shed. It might not be absolutely necessary, but it gives me greater peace of mind.
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