Fuel price differences

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geminidragon, Jan 14, 2:17pm
why is gull $2.03c and shell $2.13c .scratches head.

jrlaw, Jan 14, 2:26pm
It is called competition

aredwood, Jan 14, 2:27pm
Gull has biofuel blend, no tax on the biofuel.

NZTools, Jan 14, 2:27pm
Because gull is cheap rubbish

freedomaira320, Jan 14, 2:27pm
There are far more price variations than that. Prices differ not across different brands, but some differ between types of fuel (one will discount regular, another will discount premium) and across regions. My nearest Gull is actually slightly higher priced than the nearby Z (Shell). But tomorrow that might change again.

geminidragon, Jan 14, 2:38pm
10 c a litre is huge

geminidragon, Jan 14, 2:41pm
my little mazda 121 and my diesel truck run well on gull fuel i just think its greedy to have a margin of 10c

geminidragon, Jan 14, 2:42pm
nz tools why is it crap

geminidragon, Jan 14, 2:46pm
i must admit i did have trouble with gull in my boat and will not use it in that any more as its not meant for marine use as far as i know

freedomaira320, Jan 14, 2:51pm
There is a school of thought that says biofuel is less efficient than regular fuel, negating any savings. But that is far from proven.

vtecintegra, Jan 14, 2:54pm
Between $4 and $8 on a tank (depending on size). I'd hardly call that 'huge'

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:13pm
hey moneys tough these days and without sounding like a miser the thought of having two extra loaves of bread or more in the cuboard sells me

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:14pm
have you ever tried filling up a diesel truck ,the savings are quite noticable

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:15pm
theres a lot of people strugglingthese days

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:16pm
i travel 90k a day to and from work so one has to look at these things

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:18pm
better for the enviroment

johnf_456, Jan 14, 3:24pm
Every cent counts these day, say you go through a tank a week. Thats 8 bucks times 52 = 416 a year.

geminidragon, Jan 14, 3:28pm
exactly also my truck is not that fantastic on fuel

freedomaira320, Jan 14, 3:41pm
But that's what you have to check out. It may cost less for a tank, but is that tank of biofuel getting you as far! If it is that important to save a few bucks, you should do an accurate check.

NZTools, Jan 14, 4:51pm
If you do a couple of accurate milage tests, ithink you will most ikely find spending the extra 8 dollars is very worthwhile excercise.

mcdoomus, Jan 14, 5:06pm
Gull blends their fuel with ethanol, hence cheaper product to produce, though your car won't go as far on a tank or 'regular' pterol

elect70, Jan 14, 5:40pm
Gull might not be good inhi comphi tech engines butClassic car tested itlong term inclassics &no problem .Its 10%ethanol fromwhey

mitchcoast, Jan 14, 8:08pm
LOL, That's all so true,well you guys got it so sweet! Over here in Paradise Sth Island West coast we have to pay $2.23+/- 01c That's 91 so if ya have a classic v8 I only put 96 or 98 if I go Sth 100km. I don't even look anymore $2.34 I think last time I looked.

aragorn2003, Jan 14, 10:55pm
Gotta scratch your head when the big BP is 2.12 and the small independent
BP is 2.02 , and the Mobil round the corner is the same.

Then the Gull in New Lynn is the same price as the BP across the rd at 2.10 , so whos ripping who there!

jmma, Jan 14, 10:57pm
The 2.02 one sells more coffee(o: