'07 Axela fuel type?

dannyboy24, Jan 26, 3:30am
The missus bought an '07 Mazda Axela today (2L jap import , 40k's) The dealer reckons to run it on 96 but saw something on the net earlier recommending 91. Any advice please! Thanks

mantagsi, Jan 26, 4:06am
Not to be a smartarse but have you called Mazda NZ and asked direct! Since it isn't an ancient car I imagine they will be in the know and willing to tell you (I hope!). Hearing it from the horses mouth might be the best option

dannyboy24, Jan 26, 4:12am
Good idea, will do, cheers mate.

trdbzr, Jan 26, 5:06am
Best to run it on 95 or 98.

twindizzy, Jan 26, 2:27pm
The higher the better

wrong2, Jan 26, 4:07pm
more importantly the lower the worse