Wheel alignment in wellington

-cloud, Feb 6, 2:32am
Who do you guys recommend for a wheel alignment in wellington!
Normally i go to dave hadley in the hutt, but it seems they have closed down!

scarey65, Feb 6, 11:46am
Sadly appears hadleys has closed
Wouldn't recommend any of the bigger co
Try a private tyre shop where they know what they're doing

There's one in high st where Goodyear was

scarey65, Feb 6, 11:48am
Or tunleys in taranaki st is good I believe

A good alignment should take more than 10 min

redhead96, Feb 6, 2:01pm
Are you sure he has closed down he's been around for years! Hope his health is alright.
Beaurepaires just down the road from him is good.

-cloud, Feb 6, 3:48pm
When i rang their number it was put through to the guys next door who told me dave hadley has gone into liquidation.

eagles9999, Feb 6, 3:54pm
Yep! Happened before Xmas.