Corolla, 1 sold new every 40 seconds

incar., Mar 13, 12:31am
i see on the news top gear is driving the most popular car in the world, someone seen this coming and bailed!

incar., Mar 13, 12:32am

splinter67, Mar 13, 12:47am
Jazz has gone so he isnt going to bite so who really cares

incar., Mar 13, 12:50am
if you didn't care why did you post, sheep!
aw it was a come back jazz invite

splinter67, Mar 13, 12:52am
Why am I a sheep numpty I dont own a pos toyota

bwg11, Mar 13, 1:33am
I have driven a "new" Corolla. Would like to hear the comments of those who have actually driven one. I found a huge difference from the previous model. Quiet, smooth and very sharp handling.

mugenb20b, Mar 13, 1:59am
So what pos do you own!

splinter67, Mar 13, 2:02am
Not a pos toyota I own gm products but I drive a Citroen for a daily drive last toyota got traded on a hyundai

bigfatmat1, Mar 13, 2:04am
got that Korean look and feel

splinter67, Mar 13, 2:06am
I like your link maybe Jazz was right 3 vws in the top ten cars sold not a good link for you HAHAHAHA

incar., Mar 13, 2:08am
HAHAHAHA wrong, like i have always said, euro cars are fine, IN EUROPE but not here

splinter67, Mar 13, 2:08am
So they go quite well then not like the previous models

splinter67, Mar 13, 2:09am
Ever driven a citreon xsara bet that will change your mind all be it a closed one