Ambulance blown motor again

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fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 1:57am
202 or 3.3 whatever they are in my 86 bedford. seems like it has smashed the timing gears again,bending valves etc id say. going for the transplant. 89 3.8 v6 commy motor and 4 speed auto. should fix the sucker. think the thing was pulling too many revs even at 85 90 kph. will also put the diff out of commodore in,but perhaps will see if it goes ok with just the motor and box for now. sheesh more $$$!

intrade, Mar 11, 2:02am
202 is that nota straight 6! if so i found the problem they are pushrod engine and the hydraulic lifter die on them and then non of the valves open so all you need on them engines is new hydrolifters they dont damage no valves if it is the engine i think off.

fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 2:04am
yep straight 6. the way it was making a noise like it had bits wanting to leave the motor i think it has some serious internal issues!

a.woodrow, Mar 11, 2:05am
If you want to do it on the cheap maybe just slot a 186 in it instead!

intrade, Mar 11, 2:07am
hmmmm yea well the one i pulled apart would just not start. we scrapped it but i wanted to know why it would not go and i found the hdrolifters where not opening any of the valvesrest was ok. but that made no noise apart from the starter and the odd puff after minutes of turning over.
The way it happend wasoil light was on for a few secounds a few times must have nuked the old hydrolifters

twink19, Mar 11, 2:14am
go for the V6, good option

quickstitch, Mar 11, 2:48am
go for the v6 with an overdrive gears. my old 6 bedford had the standard diff and reved to high also. i think the commodore diff will be way to narrow.

whqqsh, Mar 11, 2:53am
fibre gear was a problem (sort of like the ealy V6 Fords) but a ali version was readily available for the Holden straight 6, grab another good old holden motor & just make sure it has an ali timing gear

matarautrader, Mar 11, 3:03am
Thinking back too many years didn't a Cresta diff head fit in and had better ratios!

a.woodrow, Mar 11, 3:08am
Might be a bit thin on the ground now but.

fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 3:26am
yep pretty hard to find them these days! definately going for the v6 with 4 speed auto. the diff in the ambo is actually quite narrow. i thing the guys doing the conversion ( i honestly cant be farked) are going to measure up the commy diff. i think its not far off. might not need it.

edangus, Mar 11, 3:26am
Personally, I think you would be better off rebuilding the 202. Those old 3.8's are getting quite problematic now. Then spend the dosh on a decent box and diff.

fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 3:28am
yeah i am over those straight 6s. 2nd one blown up. this has the 4 speed auto so 2 birds with one stone. it might even do static burnouts.haha

sr2, Mar 11, 3:35am
The 202 is not an interference motor but the fibre timing gear is a well known weak point, as #8 has pointed out a replacement aluminium gear is readily available. The hydraulic lifters do get tired but I suspect it's not your main problem; worn out lifters will take a while to pump up but it won't stop a motor running unless it has been stored for a long, long time.
A broken timing gear on a Holden Red Motor is characterised by no compression (i.e. turns over very fast on the starter motor) and no other internal damage or mechanical noise. By your description of the amount of noise it was making I suspect the problem may be more serious!

outbidyou2, Mar 11, 4:27am
After all of intrades techo advice he asks if a 202 is a straight six. Now thats funny. (thats not a piss take, the man clearly knows the ins and outs of cars) Goddamn pre-historic holdens

neville48, Mar 11, 4:49am
Its a holden red motor and it will have dropped #5 piston as they all do. Yes you need a cresta diff head and yes they are too hard to find now so yes, do the change to the commy gear and move into the new world but you must do the diff as well and Happy motoring. Its typical holden running gear and can be found in any small town in New Zealand so handy if/when you break down.

thunderbolt, Mar 11, 5:00am
4.0 Falcon Turbo engine and 6 speed ZF Box! Give it some real legs,

sr2, Mar 11, 5:31am
Probably one of the last of the Blue motors would be the easiest way out.

snoopy221, Mar 11, 8:24am
Sheesh tim v-ya KNOW ya drink em V's.LOL
But enda da day v sux commy and 4 speed and shyte-

BECAUSE CUZZ- twas a shyte load BETTER

Either that or LD/RD28

BUT LD/RD won't peel those bags aye-


pfemstn, Mar 11, 1:44pm
the old 202 ambulances down here had overdrive adapted to the rear of the auto trans worked really well! 202 is a great engine but must keep revs down for long life!far better engine than 3.8 commy!

fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 2:52pm
oh well. the transplant will begin this week. picked up a tidy,almost too tidy to wreck 89 commy for a grand, with good 15 inch mags etc. so if i do decide to transplant the diff at a later stage will redo the front stud pattern so its a normal stud pattern all round. will let you know the progress. cheers for the input guys.

intrade, Mar 11, 2:54pm
post some pics of the damage on old engine

skin1235, Mar 11, 2:59pm
mechanical noises! ya gotta suspect the top of a piston has parted company as said up there, was a common problem, either no2 or no5 usually
the o/drive unit off the 2.5 triumph PI was an easy fit, they clipped on just infront of the diff, cable operated
all those old bits are harder to get now though
if you're running auto try looking for an old 2.9 diff, (HT ran them behind their twin slippers) even a triumph or mk4 zed independent diff ( ex auto's had longer legs ie 3.9 in manual against 3.1 or 3.2 in auto)
PITA if you have to slot a different diff in though - you have to run two spares or redrill the studs to suit the CF pattern
sticking with a banjo is easier but getting a head to bolting ain't, you may have to toss the old banjo and start afresh, shifting spring mounts isn't hard, chopping universals for the d/shaft, same, width is an issue, don't go with wider offsets, it rips your rear bearings out in no time
still a few mk3 zeds around, the diff from one of them will fit, again auto is better, the 202 won't have the power to bust it either ( and yep if you're rebuilding the 202, don't, rebuilt a 186 instead, fit the ali timing gear, find a 12 port head too

elect70, Mar 11, 10:10pm
Well dont getan earlyHolden V6- VNrattlyoil burnersif its done more than 150K . Go forVRmotor & boxmuch better

fordkiwi27, Mar 11, 11:53pm
apparently a lot lot easier to install. later model ones are harder to trick the computers apparently. was tempted to just put a ls1 in it!