hi i took my carby off to clean it and no w it is back on i can start bike it runs idles fine for a minute or so then the bike strugles to move and i notice the bottom of carb in where float is is filling up with gas anyone know how to solve this issue! thanks
Mar 10, 5:25am
How did it run before you took that carb off. When you cleaned it what did you do exactly! You notice the bottom of the carb in where float is filling up with gas! Can you explain that part again.
Mar 10, 5:47am
just cleaned jets and outside of carb, once i noticed it wasnt running good took carb back off to open it and it was full of gas in float area, was running good till i cleaned carb just thought i should clean it as hadnt in a while
Mar 10, 7:26pm
The carb float pushes on a needle valve that may have crap in it or has become misaligned. It is normal for the float chamber to have gas in it .
Try starting it and then take the cap off the gas tank, the cap vent may be blocked.
Mar 11, 1:45am
hey thanks it was an air issue somhow the carb wasnt getting air figured that out when took air filter off it ran fine but had issue with air with it on coz sumhow the air screw was all the way in just adjusted it then put filter bak on now running great
Mar 11, 1:56am
how did you clean the jet! with a 6mm drillbit or something! you need special jet cleaner tools or compressed air and then the eyometer to see if its clean the nozzle jet screw that fits on float next time you clean it . We used to add bigger jets and drill out the intake port and cut the skirt shorter on 2 strokes as kids to make them 30kph scooters faster.
Mar 11, 5:13am
I remember doing similar things to Dad's lawnmower, he always complained that it revved well but had no guts once the revs dropped a bit in the long grass!
Mar 11, 6:09pm
I removed each jet and cleaned it with some sprey it is like wd-40 then to remove all the oily creasy stuff from outside carb i spreyed it with degreser and blasted it with hose did that before i cleaned jets though then stuck it back on scooter i don't have a drill or the knowledge to bore out holes but thanks for the help i cleaned jets with that sprey and a paper clip haha
Mar 11, 6:10pm
i have heaps of old carbys but didnt want to go switching the jets and making things worse
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